1. evrafter
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  4. Friday, 12 January 2018
As it draws nearer, more and more Waco clips are appearing including Melissa.

Here she discusses her character... Midway through the clip:
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Oh this episode was horrible to watch (in a good way, I guess). The loss of life was so pointless and heartbreaking and after watching it I was just stunned. Melissa was amazing as always but oh so heartbreaking and the law enforcements reactions when the fire started and no one was coming out side made me feel bad for even them, as the way it ended was obviously not as they planned.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 101
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Even though I knew what was coming at the end, this was still very difficult to watch. It was so terrible - I don't even know what to say about it.

Melissa was so good. Her parts at the end - ugh :(
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 102
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Even though I knew what was coming at the end, this was still very difficult to watch. It was so terrible - I don't even know what to say about it.

Melissa was so good. Her parts at the end - ugh :(

I still haven't been able to finish it.....I have gotten to where they try to get out through the bus, but then turn back....I can't get past that.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 103
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I’ve only watched the first three installments but they’re not pulling any punches with the reality of the situation. In some ways it’s like Titanic we know the ending but that doesn’t make it easier. I had planned to watch on Mondays but given your warning for the last installment I think I’ll change to a weekend when I can have a couple of stiff drinks.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 104
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Oh this episode was horrible to watch (in a good way, I guess). The loss of life was so pointless and heartbreaking and after watching it I was just stunned. Melissa was amazing as always but oh so heartbreaking and the law enforcements reactions when the fire started and no one was coming out side made me feel bad for even them, as the way it ended was obviously not as they planned.

Yep. All that right there. I couldn't shake the gut wrenching feeling those FBI agents, especially the two head honchos, HAD to be feeling of, "Oh my oh my oh my... What HAVE we done???"

Melissa at that ending? Sad that she even had to portray it! I remember her saying she was just gutted at the end of filming.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 105
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I’ve only watched the first three installments but they’re not pulling any punches with the reality of the situation. In some ways it’s like Titanic we know the ending but that doesn’t make it easier. I had planned to watch on Mondays but given your warning for the last installment I think I’ll change to a weekend when I can have a couple of stiff drinks.
Yeah, Episode 2 was shocking because I didn't remember the intensity of the firefight. And yes, they pretty much didn't leave much left to the imagination on that one. But, the last episode was just so incredibly sad because of the desperation depicted in conjunction with the knowledge of the ending as you watch it. I think I would forgo the stiff drinks and just have the entire bottle within reach ;)
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 106
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Only just realised that Waco starts tonight ( I July) in the UK at 9pm on the Alibi channel. Not sure if this channel is available to our mainland neighbours.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 107
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Only just realised that Waco starts tonight ( I July) in the UK at 9pm on the Alibi channel. Not sure if this channel is available to our mainland neighbours.
I suggest at least reading through this thread before watching. It’s not lighthearted viewing, lots of graphic stuff, and definitely not for children. I’ll be interested to know what someone who’s not from the US thinks of this depiction of this infamous event.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 108
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I still haven't watched the last 1 minute and 15 is still on my DVR stopped with that left... since it aired.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 109
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I have had several attempts at watching this, but haven't persevered. It is simply not my sort of programme, primarily in view of the violence. I would of course watch anything to see Melissa, but she is simply not in it enough for me!

Two points:
I hadn't realised that more than 30 of the cult had recently been recruited from England: over 20 of them were among the dead.
As someone from outside the US, I was distressed (but not totally surprised) by how many people had guns, and the ease with which they were used. I know there are lots of guns in movies nowadays and I tend not to watch them, but they are usually works of fiction. This programme was meant to depict real life.
  1. more than a month ago
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  3. # 110

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