As it draws nearer, more and more Waco clips are appearing including Melissa.
Here she discusses her character... Midway through the clip:
Anyone else remember when Waco happened? I remember watching it all go down on the news when I was a junior at BYU.
I was a high school sophomore so yah I remember. There was a guy a year below me who’s mom died in the siege. She left him and his dad to join the Branch Davidians when he was young, so he didn’t really remember his mom. I didn’t know him that well and everyone at school accepted that he didn’t want to answer a lot of questions about it when it first happened. I had drama class with him my senior year and he wrote a scene about the one time he saw her after she joined. His dad was afraid his mom would kidnap him and take him to the compound.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
Yeah, I watched that exclusive 3 times to make sure I'd heard right. I was so proud of her.
Seriously tho, if you were a writer, wouldn't you want to write for this actress. I think she's a writer's dream. You don't have to write to her strengths. You write the material and she'll deliver. The great thing about her is that I don't think about any other part she's played when I'm watching her work. I'm not thinking Marley when I watch Kara. I'm not thinking Kara when I'm seeing these clips etc. She really has the potential to be a seriously great character actor and I'm thrilled for her that she's already becoming known for character work. Directors love that.
Marc Guggenheim in a recent interview was fangirling her, stating that there was nothing you can write that she can not act.
I know, I know, I have a serious crush on this girl's work.
Seriously tho, if you were a writer, wouldn't you want to write for this actress. I think she's a writer's dream. You don't have to write to her strengths. You write the material and she'll deliver. The great thing about her is that I don't think about any other part she's played when I'm watching her work. I'm not thinking Marley when I watch Kara. I'm not thinking Kara when I'm seeing these clips etc. She really has the potential to be a seriously great character actor and I'm thrilled for her that she's already becoming known for character work. Directors love that.
Marc Guggenheim in a recent interview was fangirling her, stating that there was nothing you can write that she can not act.
I know, I know, I have a serious crush on this girl's work.
Stoked!! So apparently then, Melissa's part wasn't that big. But once the writers and producers saw how good she was, they kept giving her more and more dialogue? AWESOME sauce.
It will be interesting to see if she wins and supporting actress awards from this. For those outside of the States, Paramount has promoted the HECK out of this miniseries.
Anyone else remember when Waco happened? I remember watching it all go down on the news when I was a junior at BYU.
It will be interesting to see if she wins and supporting actress awards from this. For those outside of the States, Paramount has promoted the HECK out of this miniseries.
Anyone else remember when Waco happened? I remember watching it all go down on the news when I was a junior at BYU.
Anyway friend I don't know if I'll ever get to see Waco so if you watch it next week please post your thoughts here particularity on Melissa of course.
For anyone interested, you can download free HD trailer, first look and Inside Waco for free from Vudu if you have an account, which is free to sign up.
Also, you can pre purchase the entire mini series in SD for 9.99, or 16.99 in HDX if you live outside the country and really want to watch it.
You can watch many exclusives including an exclusive with Melissa on the Paramont network.
Melissa Exclusive :
Network site with loads of vids on the waco series
Here's some vid of Melissa doing press tour for Waco...
Thanks for that, Evrafter. She is really interacting with the fans and happily talking with them, not rushing off after a squibble or 2. What a great person.
In case you are wondering what Paramount Network's replacing SpikeTV starting today with all new shows and events (like Waco) and former Spike shows like Lip Sync Battle, Ink Master and Bar Rescue along with some movies from the Paramount library, which is over 100 years old, although don't expect to see any of the "Road" pictures with Bob Hope and Bing Crosby!
This is not to be confused with the United Paramount Network or UPN where shows like Moesha and Veronica Mars played.
And Spike TV was once TNN...The Nashville Network, later The National Network
This is not to be confused with the United Paramount Network or UPN where shows like Moesha and Veronica Mars played.
And Spike TV was once TNN...The Nashville Network, later The National Network
Thanks for posting these. I'm looking forward to watching this when it airs, mostly because of Melissa's appearance in it

They had a Waco panel that Melissa was involved in yesterday. When I can track down some vids, I'll post. Until then, here's some photos....
Melissa's Waco Panel appearance.
Melissa's Waco Panel appearance.
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