I decided to start basically a Supergirl season 6 thread.I was already figuring we may get some news at DC's FanDome event next month but apparently there was a Virtual Wizard World Con in the past few days and several cast members were there.Apparently there was some season 6 news there.TheDCTVshow has a report on it.
The Major news points.
1)Jesse Rath revealed they plan to begin shooting September 28.
DCTVshow speculates that they might do what they did at the start of season 4 where other cast members like Jesse will begin shooting September 28 but Melissa might start a little later.
2)Helen Slater will be in a couple episodes in season 6.
The next bit I'll spoiler highlight since it could be considered a spoiler.
3)Warning: Spoiler Alert! [Toggle message]From Jesse Rath:"The writers are working on,not a Legion story but what I think is the essence of what The Legion Of Superheroes is."
DCTVShow speculates he's not expecting Legion members appearing but more the idea of what The Legion is.A team of superheroes coming together.So really Team Supergirl really coming together as a team and becoming the basis of what The Legion becomes in the future.
I think I found the actual panel video.
- comic fan
- Supergirl Speculation
- Thursday, 30 July 2020
And pretty in part due to fan demand they’ve released a poster with Supergirl using a old picture of Melissa.
They also released a poster for The Flash as well.
Also Black Lightning
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Speculation
- # 21
I like the poster, they put a picture of Melissa in front of a montage of comic book Supergirls. I do wish they would’ve added her motto as a tagline. They had no option about using an old picture and this one is a good choice. Someone on FB said that’s Nural Nal/Dream Girl behind Nia because Nia’s not in the comics. I don’t doubt that whoever came up with that tagline for Nia wanted to get it out ASAP. Things are not well at DC and I’m sure everyone in the promotions department is fighting for their jobs. There’s probably a lot of pressure to get something, anything out there. I thought the season four poster was fantastic and there have been others featuring the lead that I’ve liked.
Hopefully they do something really cool with Melissa once she’s available.
I have absolutely no problem with the pic they used. I love the pic. BUT, not making the first official poster of a show someone other than your #1, is poor promotion. Also, Supergirl should have been at the top of Dreamers poster, and Dreamer at the bottom.
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Speculation
- # 22
I still can't help to think they chose to release supporting cast posters because they may tweak the suits of the primary characters ( Supergirl, Flash). The Flash suit changes regularly. Supergirl held steady for 4 years, but may be getting a second makeover.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Speculation
- # 23
The CWverse Superheroes Trailer (HD) Superman & Lois Teaser
I always love that they do a trailer like this each year to tease all the Arrowverse shows.It usually is released at Comic Con.I thought they might be saving it for the second day of DC FanDome on September 12 when the TV Shows will be focused on.Glad to have it now though.
I always love that they do a trailer like this each year to tease all the Arrowverse shows.It usually is released at Comic Con.I thought they might be saving it for the second day of DC FanDome on September 12 when the TV Shows will be focused on.Glad to have it now though.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Speculation
- # 24
I do prefer the original suit more but agree with others.,the pants are here to stay.I could see tweaks happening though.For example,IMO adding some red to the pants would be a improvement.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Speculation
- # 25
TheDCTVSHOws is hearing from according to them,reilable sources, that Supergirl is aiming for 16 episodes for season 6.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Speculation
- # 26
TheDCTVSHOws is hearing from according to them,reilable sources, that Supergirl is aiming for 16 episodes for season 6.This is a generally reliable source. 16 episodes sounds reasonable and in line with what I was expecting. They said filming will start on 9/28 which is the day Jesse said would be his first day so that tracks. We’ll see if/how long they go without Melissa. I’m beginning to think she’s already had the baby and they’ve just not made a public announcement. She did that IG live nine weeks ago, on 7/7 and said she was close.
It’s interesting that Flash is suppose to have 17 and they’ve got a lot more of last seasons plot to finish than Supergirl. When the network President said full 20+ episode seasons last May I thought that was optimistic at best. Supergirl isn’t winding up starting later than the other shows I don’t think anyone thought that would happen. I don’t think it’s going to change but the reasonable back in May, due to the pregnancy, decision to have Supergirl be “mid season” isn’t really applicable anymore.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Speculation
- # 27
This is from September 11th from David’s IG. He is quarantining for Season 6. The 9/28 start date seems accurate.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Speculation
- # 28
16 episodes is perfectly fine with me, as long as they are Kara/Supergirl heavy, with lots of Supergirl action. If it is an episode of the week for each character like they like to do, then no thanks, that would leave about 5 episodes for Supergirl.....but 16 Eps of Supergirl heavy episodes would be more than any other season.....lol
Well,the show is ending but they confirmed 20 episodes.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Speculation
- # 29
Kevin Smith wants to direct again for the final season. I hope that happens. Bunker Hill was one of my all time favorite episodes.
I could see Melissa doing an uncredited cameo as a bystander in the Supergirl movie, but WB typically keeps its big screen and small screen separate with the exception of Ezra in Crisis. I am curious is Supergirl will be introduced at the end of Zack Snyder's JL cut as been rumored.
I could see Melissa doing an uncredited cameo as a bystander in the Supergirl movie, but WB typically keeps its big screen and small screen separate with the exception of Ezra in Crisis. I am curious is Supergirl will be introduced at the end of Zack Snyder's JL cut as been rumored.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Speculation
- # 30
Here's an interesting article too speculating on the future of the character.I don't agree with the title of the article(the canceled bit) but it is a interesting topic
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Speculation
- # 31
@comic fan
"Here's an interesting article too speculating on the future of the character.I don't agree with the title of the article(the canceled bit) but it is a interesting topic
Some really good possibilities here, although 2-4 do not appeal to me.
1. For the big screen DCEU, its likely she will be part of the JL. She may even be introduced at the end of Zack Snyder's JL for HBOMAX. She already is part of the TV Justice League Superfriends officially formed at the end of Crisis. It would be cool if they introduced her as a very young teen, who looked a lot like McKenna Grace... I liked the Midville flashback of TV Supergirl and would kinda like to see a new take featuring a very young Kara trying to acclimate.
6. She likely won't be on new CWVerse entries, but popping up occasionally for a guest appearance on Flash, Batwoman, Black Lightning or Legends would be awesome. Maybe Melissa can direct.
7. We already know a big screen movie is in the works.
8. YES!!!! Melissa on Stargirl as Earth 2 Powergirl.
9. There has been talk she would appear in the next Superman movie if Henry Cavill does get another Superman movie.
10. Yes, it would be awesome if she pops up for guest spots on Superman and Lois. But, absolutely no death for TV Kara, she should join the Legion in the future snd use her Legion ring to return to the present from time to time.
"Here's an interesting article too speculating on the future of the character.I don't agree with the title of the article(the canceled bit) but it is a interesting topic
Some really good possibilities here, although 2-4 do not appeal to me.
1. For the big screen DCEU, its likely she will be part of the JL. She may even be introduced at the end of Zack Snyder's JL for HBOMAX. She already is part of the TV Justice League Superfriends officially formed at the end of Crisis. It would be cool if they introduced her as a very young teen, who looked a lot like McKenna Grace... I liked the Midville flashback of TV Supergirl and would kinda like to see a new take featuring a very young Kara trying to acclimate.
6. She likely won't be on new CWVerse entries, but popping up occasionally for a guest appearance on Flash, Batwoman, Black Lightning or Legends would be awesome. Maybe Melissa can direct.
7. We already know a big screen movie is in the works.
8. YES!!!! Melissa on Stargirl as Earth 2 Powergirl.
9. There has been talk she would appear in the next Superman movie if Henry Cavill does get another Superman movie.
10. Yes, it would be awesome if she pops up for guest spots on Superman and Lois. But, absolutely no death for TV Kara, she should join the Legion in the future snd use her Legion ring to return to the present from time to time.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Speculation
- # 32
Another Flash teamup?
Melissa and Grant have such great on screen chemistry. I hope its true.
Melissa and Grant have such great on screen chemistry. I hope its true.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Speculation
- # 33
comic fan
I was listening to Canadagraph's podcast and he mentioned Melissa isn't returning to the Supergirl set until January.I believe The DCTVshow podcast is going to be talking about this on their next podcast.This is probably why they will be shooting Supergirl Season 6 into August.
If Melissa is returning to the set in January then there is a very good chance that a safe and effective vaccine will be available and many concerns with tv production will disappear. With a vaccine we all can get back to the way it was. I just have a good feeling that one will be available by Thanksgiving. It would be fitting and put an exclamation point on thanks for giving.
Unfortunately, I highly doubt a viable vaccine will be ready for public release by Thanksgiving. And even if, by some miracle, it were, COVID 19 filming restrictions aren't going anywhere any time soon. A vaccine not only needs to be proven effective, long term, but it also needs the time to be distributed and saturate enough of the population to create a large scale immunity.
I'm in touch with people who work in the BC film industry at least a few times per week, as we have industry professionals as our instructors here at film school in Vancouver, and consensus is that things are going to remain this way, in terms of the new safety protocols for filming, for at least a year, possibly a few of them.
As for Melissa not returning until January...I can't say I'm surprised. It was kinda my estimate back when the pandemic started. Maternity leave would put her into November or December, and at that point, why come to Canada for filming when you are just going to have a holiday break in a couple of weeks?
I gotta admit guys...I'm not feeling confident about this upcoming season. None of the producers talk about the show in any capacity. It gets zero press, unlike the other DC shows. The show filming for 2 months without it's titular star means at least a few of the 20 episodes we have left are going to be extremely light on Supergirl, if she's present at all. I'm sorry to sound negative, guys. I really am. But I once LOVED this show, and I want to love it again...but to me, it just feels like the people involved don't want to do the show anymore. The exceptions MAYBE being Jesse Rath and Nicole Maines. I don't have any solid evidence to say "This season is going to be awful". But between last season, the pandemic, the show ending, the lack of ANY real news, and Melissa being out for approximately 1/8 of the production season...it just doesn't feel solid.
I sincerely hope I'm wrong. I really REALLY do. I just have a really bad feeling that this season's going to be phoned in, on every front.
I'm sorry guys. I just want to vent these concerns, somewhere, and this is where I come to talk about the show. I know it isn't positive or upbeat dialogue...but how I feel about the show, at the moment.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Speculation
- # 35
Quoting kdogg87: "it just feels like the people involved don't want to do the show anymore. The exceptions MAYBE being Jesse Rath and Nicole Maines."
"I just have a really bad feeling that this season's going to be phoned in, on every front."
Yes, we are in uncharted waters, and will be for quite awhile. I am sure the fandom spans the full range of feelings from optimism to pessimism. I choose the "wait and see" option, while remaining generally optimistic.
Your concerns are valid and I am sure are shared by others. However I must take issue with the two statements quoted above. I sincerely hope that it wasn't your intent, but those two statements seem to question the professionalism of what I think is an exemplary cast. I believe that, even under these difficult circumstances, the entire cast and crew will give 100%.
"I just have a really bad feeling that this season's going to be phoned in, on every front."
Yes, we are in uncharted waters, and will be for quite awhile. I am sure the fandom spans the full range of feelings from optimism to pessimism. I choose the "wait and see" option, while remaining generally optimistic.
Your concerns are valid and I am sure are shared by others. However I must take issue with the two statements quoted above. I sincerely hope that it wasn't your intent, but those two statements seem to question the professionalism of what I think is an exemplary cast. I believe that, even under these difficult circumstances, the entire cast and crew will give 100%.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Speculation
- # 36
I am concerned as well. I want the show to end on a high note. I think they should block out 2 short arcs as opposed to one long one. It looks like the final season will bleed into tge 21-22 season timetable anyway. So why not a 19 episode season 6 and a 10 episode season 7 filmed back to back... If the showrunner is not invested, we have a problem. The showrunner has been phoning it in until we aporoach the end of the season for the past 2-3 seasons. If the can turn in phenomenal episodes at the end of the season, they can do better during the season. We need ver tight oversight for these final episodes. I fear Melissa will have a small presence in early episodes if she doesn't return to work until January.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Speculation
- # 37
I know a fair amount of board members are concerned that the show isn't going to have the last hurrah they rightfully deserve and that this season may be a write-off somehow. I'm not willing to buy into these things for a few reasons:
1) The actors are all professionals and will give their best, irrespective of possibly weak scripting or questionable overall direction (I mean from the EPs and not the individual directors themselves). The actors and crews will show up and give their best, everything else is debatable.
2) If it takes twice as long to film episodes because of Covid-19 precautions, Melissa may not miss a great deal of time since the multiple overall stages of production are also impacted as well. Melissa's presence may be missed initally, but it may not be as severe as we are making it out to be. It depends on how many episodes they have in the can - so to speak - before her estimated return in January. It could only be two or three episodes where she has to catch up and film her missing scenes and do the ADR and other prep work.
3) The possible reason there isn't any news or media surrounding the show is because they've probably decided to keep things tightly under wraps - i.e. their version of a "lockdown"- for fear of raising and dashing expectations too quickly. Remember, they've (the studio and the PTB) raised lofty expectations before only to have very lukewarm receptions to the end product.
4) Given all of the shake-ups and shuffling happening at WB and the CW with the top brass, the fact that Supergirl was granted a sixth season to conclude her story on her terms is a dramatic feat in itself. It could be that the PTB finally heard the fans and read the writing on the wall regarding how it was faring, and made their necessary moves in their own way. Everything happens for a reason even if we aren't aware of what the reason(s) might be.
5) The show will conclude. Yes. That much we do know. But, what we do not know and cannot know, is what will come next and when. It is possible that another iteration of Supergirl will come down the pipe at some point in the future (be it a feature film, an animated work, or another medium altogether).
So, the bottom line is this: Don't worry about what hasn't happened yet and trust that everyone involved in making the show what it is, will do their part to make Season 6 memorable for the fans and the cast and crews alike.
1) The actors are all professionals and will give their best, irrespective of possibly weak scripting or questionable overall direction (I mean from the EPs and not the individual directors themselves). The actors and crews will show up and give their best, everything else is debatable.
2) If it takes twice as long to film episodes because of Covid-19 precautions, Melissa may not miss a great deal of time since the multiple overall stages of production are also impacted as well. Melissa's presence may be missed initally, but it may not be as severe as we are making it out to be. It depends on how many episodes they have in the can - so to speak - before her estimated return in January. It could only be two or three episodes where she has to catch up and film her missing scenes and do the ADR and other prep work.
3) The possible reason there isn't any news or media surrounding the show is because they've probably decided to keep things tightly under wraps - i.e. their version of a "lockdown"- for fear of raising and dashing expectations too quickly. Remember, they've (the studio and the PTB) raised lofty expectations before only to have very lukewarm receptions to the end product.
4) Given all of the shake-ups and shuffling happening at WB and the CW with the top brass, the fact that Supergirl was granted a sixth season to conclude her story on her terms is a dramatic feat in itself. It could be that the PTB finally heard the fans and read the writing on the wall regarding how it was faring, and made their necessary moves in their own way. Everything happens for a reason even if we aren't aware of what the reason(s) might be.
5) The show will conclude. Yes. That much we do know. But, what we do not know and cannot know, is what will come next and when. It is possible that another iteration of Supergirl will come down the pipe at some point in the future (be it a feature film, an animated work, or another medium altogether).
So, the bottom line is this: Don't worry about what hasn't happened yet and trust that everyone involved in making the show what it is, will do their part to make Season 6 memorable for the fans and the cast and crews alike.
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Speculation
- # 38
I was just watching the newest TheDCTVshow video.It was a speculation video about the casting of a local actor for Supergirl Season 6.
But in the comments section,a poster dropped some info on the episode Chyler is directing.
Sounds like we are getting atteast one more flashback to a young Kara & Alex this season.
Here's a twitter link.
But in the comments section,a poster dropped some info on the episode Chyler is directing.
Chyler Leigh will be directing a young Danvers Sisters episode which is 6x06. Izabella and Olivia are in Vancouver. YVR Shoots have posted the production list and Chyler is listed for this week.
Sounds like we are getting atteast one more flashback to a young Kara & Alex this season.
Here's a twitter link.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Speculation
- # 39
But in the comments section,a poster dropped some info on the episode Chyler is directing.Cool, I was hoping we would get a flashback episode. It’s probably the most fan approved way to do with very little Melissa. Thanks to Izabela and Olivia’s perfect portrayals “Midvale” is a fan favorite. And having Chyler direct it means she doesn’t have to direct herself too much. Months ago Helen Slater did say she was scheduled I’ll bet this is what she was talking about.
Chyler Leigh will be directing a young Danvers Sisters episode which is 6x06. Izabella and Olivia are in Vancouver. YVR Shoots have posted the production list and Chyler is listed for this week.
Sounds like we are getting atteast one more flashback to a young Kara & Alex this season.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Speculation
- # 40
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