1. comic fan
  2. Love Fool Sherlock Holmes The Voice
  3. Supergirl Speculation
  4. Thursday, 30 July 2020
I decided to start basically a Supergirl season 6 thread.I was already figuring we may get some news at DC's FanDome event next month but apparently there was a Virtual Wizard World Con in the past few days and several cast members were there.Apparently there was some season 6 news there.TheDCTVshow has a report on it.

The Major news points.

1)Jesse Rath revealed they plan to begin shooting September 28.

DCTVshow speculates that they might do what they did at the start of season 4 where other cast members like Jesse will begin shooting September 28 but Melissa might start a little later.

2)Helen Slater will be in a couple episodes in season 6.

The next bit I'll spoiler highlight since it could be considered a spoiler.

Warning: Spoiler Alert! [Toggle message]
From Jesse Rath:"The writers are working on,not a Legion story but what I think is the essence of what The Legion Of Superheroes is."

DCTVShow speculates he's not expecting Legion members appearing but more the idea of what The Legion is.A team of superheroes coming together.So really Team Supergirl really coming together as a team and becoming the basis of what The Legion becomes in the future.


I think I found the actual panel video.

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@comic book fan IMO though the two important ones would be Barry & Clark.

Most definitely... with Kate "missing", Barry and Clark are the two "must haves". I'd love another Music Meister Supergirl episode with Barry to bookend with the Flash episode. I'd also love Clark and Kara on Argo and Kara visiting Clark and her nephews in Smallville before the series wraps.

Although, I had long wanted a Legends two parter that started with the younger Danvers and concluded with the present day Danvers. Also,, If Kara heads to the future to join the Legion, my hope for how the show ends, it would be fun if the Waverider just happens to pop up.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 141
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I'm honestly just sitting on pins and needles, waiting for SOME kind of photo confirmation that Melissa is back, in the suit, and working. BTS photos, a promo photo. ANYTHING.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 142
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Could Kara become Superwoman? While I don't see TPTB sending Kara down the same embittered path as the comics (Future State Superwoman #1), could Supergirl take on the new moniker in its final bow?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 143
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Could Kara become Superwoman? While I don't see TPTB sending Kara down the same embittered path as the comics (Future State Superwoman #1), could Supergirl take on the new moniker in its final bow?

Anything is possible.There is some synergy currently going on between the comics and shows.Ryan Wilder was just introduced in the comics in Batgirl # 50 back in the Fall.The new Wonder Girl series the CW is developing is based on the new character who just debuted in Future State.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 144
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Almost 2 weeks into Melissa's supposed return with no pics! Gah!

Sorry guys. I'm freaking starved for content. It's been over 10 months since the last time we got some on-set pics of Supergirl!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 145
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Almost 2 weeks into Melissa's supposed return with no pics! Gah!

Sorry guys. I'm freaking starved for content. It's been over 10 months since the last time we got some on-set pics of Supergirl!

I know the feeling.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 146
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Annnnnd here's a new set photo.:)

Azie Tesfai posted this photo to Instagram

No Melissa but still very cool.

I'm also listening to the latest DCTVshows podcast and Azie also confirmed they are filming episode 7.David Harewood got the episodes numbers mixed up.He's directing episode 7 it sounds like,not 6.She also said via Instagram Live that she thinks Supergirl will premiere in April.The network hasn't confirmed anything but the podcast speculates that The CW could announce something in March.Until the network announces a premiere date,nothing is set in stone(and even then,things can change as shown with The Flash being delayed a week to March 2).

Personally,I think a May premiere is still more likely.

Supergirl is scheduled to wrap on August 6.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 147
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Man...week 3 since the lead's supposed return, and still nothing for teasers, promo photos, bts pics, instagram photos or stories...

I'm beginning to place bets with myself regarding if we'll see anything with Melissa, either official or unofficial, on set, before March 12th, which will be one year since the last time our lead actor was seen on set before the pandemic shutdown.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 148
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  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 149
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Season 6 villain?

I hope it's true. One, a magical villain would be a new, challenging adversary. I, for one, am wary of mostly human villains we've had for the past 2 years. Leviathan had potential, but they failed to do anything really great with that story.

Secondly, if she's trying to enact some sort of revenge against Supergirl, as the article suggests, that means the primary conflict is between Supergirl and this new witch. This would be a FANTASTIC change of pace, considering the villains for seasons 4 and 5 have more personal connection with Lena and J'onn (Lex, Manchester Black, and Ma'alefa'ak) than Supergirl.

The best stories stem from a villain who has some sort of personal connection with the hero.

Anyway. This is legitimately the first bit of news to get me at all excited for this season. The news has been so scant, that I'm hoping this is the first drop of a steady stream as we start to get closer to the premiere date (whenever the crap that is).
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 150
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Season 6 villain?

I hope it's true. One, a magical villain would be a new, challenging adversary. I, for one, am wary of mostly human villains we've had for the past 2 years. Leviathan had potential, but they failed to do anything really great with that story.

I was thinking we would get a female take on the Annointed One as the real power behind Leviathan and the one that Gamemnae answers to... The character is quite powerful and was part of the Ancients DC comic story arc involving Atlantis. Gamemnae outfit in the finale looked very Atlantean.

Hopefully, the carryover of this story arc will give it more bite and a memorable conclusion. Leviathan otherwise was barely a whimper of a villain.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 151
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Hmmm...I like these plays on words :)

And that video was...MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 152
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@comic fan

I hope this is right and that we do start seeing some Melissa content, soon. That said, I don't trust a thing that DCTVshow says. They have a really bad habit of saying "officially confirmed" on things that aren't confirmed, and don't cite sources.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 153
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@comic fan

I hope this is right and that we do start seeing some Melissa content, soon. That said, I don't trust a thing that DCTVshow says. They have a really bad habit of saying "officially confirmed" on things that aren't confirmed, and don't cite sources.

I don't know if this will count but...well...

I think Melissa is on set

Yes,it looks like the bangs are gone.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 154
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Here’s a still shot. It’s definitely a woman without bangs in the Supergirl suit.
Melissa ?


Yes it's Melissa...and in that video from Jesse Rath's IG story, some on the crew are singing Happy birthday to him...MELISSA INLCLUDED.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 155
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I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'll take it!

A part of me was hoping for a costume update. But no bangs? I'll take that compromise.

I still can't wait for some clear photos and promotional material. But it's nice to see something that shows her on set.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 156
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It starts to trickle in.

Staz Nair just posted a video to his Instagram Story which featured both Julie and Melissa.

Mel's SUCH a giggler!!!! :p :p :p :p
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 157
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My gut is telling be the primer won’t be when the countdown clock indicates but we will know the primer date by then.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 158
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It starts to trickle in.

Staz Nair just posted a video to his Instagram Story which featured both Julie and Melissa.

Yeah,just saw the video.Very cool.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 159
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The showrunners reveal to The Wrap why we didn't see Alex tell Kelly that Kara is Supergirl on-screen.

After reading the interview,even though I would still liked to of seen it,I do understand their reasons for deciding it was unnecessary.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 160

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