1. comic fan
  2. Love Fool Sherlock Holmes The Voice
  3. Supergirl Speculation
  4. Thursday, 30 July 2020
I decided to start basically a Supergirl season 6 thread.I was already figuring we may get some news at DC's FanDome event next month but apparently there was a Virtual Wizard World Con in the past few days and several cast members were there.Apparently there was some season 6 news there.TheDCTVshow has a report on it.

The Major news points.

1)Jesse Rath revealed they plan to begin shooting September 28.

DCTVshow speculates that they might do what they did at the start of season 4 where other cast members like Jesse will begin shooting September 28 but Melissa might start a little later.

2)Helen Slater will be in a couple episodes in season 6.

The next bit I'll spoiler highlight since it could be considered a spoiler.

Warning: Spoiler Alert! [Toggle message]
From Jesse Rath:"The writers are working on,not a Legion story but what I think is the essence of what The Legion Of Superheroes is."

DCTVShow speculates he's not expecting Legion members appearing but more the idea of what The Legion is.A team of superheroes coming together.So really Team Supergirl really coming together as a team and becoming the basis of what The Legion becomes in the future.


I think I found the actual panel video.

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Was just listening to the latest DCTV Show podcast.

They confirmed that Melissa is back on set.They also said that Melissa is probably going to miss two episodes this season and those are the two young Danvers episodes.

They then speculate about a photo that Melissa's stunt double posted today where she's wearing the old suit and no bangs.Is it a old photo she reposted?Is this more evidence that they are losing the bangs?Is the old suit coming back?

Personally,I can certainly buy them losing the bangs this season and there were other photos of the stunt double sporting the season 1-4 hair posted recently and the last time we saw Melissa right before the election,she didn't have bangs.But I would be surprised if they went back to the season 1-4 suit with the skirt unless it was for a flashback or one off like we saw for a bit in Crisis and the 100th episode.They spent the money to make the new suit,Melissa loves it and it gives better protection from the elements.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 141
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Blown away to hear National City mentioned a few times during the Batwoman premiere. I was worried about the show continuing its in your face woke writing from last season. But, for the most part it shifted in reverse. I did like the batmobile with the flames coming put the rear exhaust...perhaps CGI, but a throwback to the Adam West TV show. The pace was a bit fast trying to get things doe within one hour. It's too bad there will be no Super Bat crossover as Ryan and Kara could nearly be kindred spirits character wise.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 142
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spoilers for Batwoman season 1 episode 1.

Warning: Spoiler Alert! [Toggle message]
1)The episode opens with Kate's plane arriving back in Gotham from National City when it crashes setting up her disappearance.

2)We learn from Luke later in the episode that Kate went to National City to talk to Kara about destroying the kryptonite bullet.We don't get a answer on what was decided due to the plane crash.

3)Luke accidently outs Kara as Supergirl to Hush thinking he's Bruce Wayne(not sure if that will play into anything since Hush is captured at the end of the episode and sent back to Arkham).

4)The new Batwoman was shot with the kryptonite bullet.

5)It looks like Ryan is going to suffer from kryptonite poisoning since pieces of the bullet are embeded in her wound.The showrunner confirms in a T.V. line interview that this will be a ongoing plotline.

My thoughts.

The opening of the episode certainly sets up a way to do something along the lines of what I want.

They very easily in the season 6 premiere of Supergirl could have a Melissa light episode by having Kara meet with Kate offscreen and then later in the episode have Kara mention what they decided to do with the kryptonite bullet.

Kate's plane crash could also then be mentioned on the show too.

Finally,I certainly can see now how they would of set up a crossover.meeting between Supergirl and the new Batwoman if we hadn't had the ongoing issue with the pandemic preventing crossovers via Ryan suffering from the kryptonite in her system.

Warning: Spoiler Alert! [Toggle message]
It was nice to see that the Kryptonite being able to penetrate the Batsuit storyline wasn’t dropped. On Supergirl they could have a Melissa light episode where Kara learns Kate’s plane has crashed, and the audience learns what Kara and Kate decided, and she flys to Gotham to join the search for Kate. Since there’s no actual crossovers happening they’re not restricted as far as the events on all shows taking place during roughly the same time. If they had planned for Batwoman to get Kryptonite poisoning that’s definitely where a Supergirl/Batwoman crossover could have happened but perhaps it was supposed to be on Supergirl. National City would be the place to go to for help with all things Kryptonite. When the atmosphere was flooded with Kryptonite the anti-Kryptonite shield Winn made using Astra’s technology helped leach the Kryptonite from Kara’s system and kept her alive until Lena’s biosuit stabilized her. There’s also medical expert Alex who could have worked with Mary.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 143
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Quoting myself.

As for this season,even if they can’t do a actual crossover this season,I would love to hear that Supergirl went looking for Kate off-screen(good way also to have a Melissa light episode at the start of the season due to her maternity leave.) and maybe mention there is a new Batwoman in Gotham on Supergirl.That would satisfy me just fine given the COVID-19 situation preventing any crossover for this season.An acknowledgment of Kate’s missing status and the new Batwoman in Gotham can easily be done without any onscreen crossover.

Just watched the season 2 premiere of Batwoman and there are several Supergirl connections and a good setup for something along the lines of my quote.

spoilers for Batwoman season 1 episode 1.

Warning: Spoiler Alert! [Toggle message]
1)The episode opens with Kate's plane arriving back in Gotham from National City when it crashes setting up her disappearance.

2)We learn from Luke later in the episode that Kate went to National City to talk to Kara about destroying the kryptonite bullet.We don't get a answer on what was decided due to the plane crash.

3)Luke accidently outs Kara as Supergirl to Hush thinking he's Bruce Wayne(not sure if that will play into anything since Hush is captured at the end of the episode and sent back to Arkham).

4)The new Batwoman was shot with the kryptonite bullet.

5)It looks like Ryan is going to suffer from kryptonite poisoning since pieces of the bullet are embeded in her wound.The showrunner confirms in a T.V. line interview that this will be a ongoing plotline.

My thoughts.

The opening of the episode certainly sets up a way to do something along the lines of what I want.

They very easily in the season 6 premiere of Supergirl could have a Melissa light episode by having Kara meet with Kate offscreen and then later in the episode have Kara mention what they decided to do with the kryptonite bullet.

Kate's plane crash could also then be mentioned on the show too.

Finally,I certainly can see now how they would of set up a crossover.meeting between Supergirl and the new Batwoman if we hadn't had the ongoing issue with the pandemic preventing crossovers via Ryan suffering from the kryptonite in her system.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 144
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Sad to see Supergirl's last crossover be all about the end of Green Arrow...and that we truly will never see the teased Justice League in action.

I really hope this is a stellar season. It's just really sad that the last season is the COVID season.

I know how you feel.It is disappointing that we probably won't see Supergirl interact with any other heroes in her final season due to COVID-19.I understand why but can't help still feeling sad about that.I'm glad Diggle will be showing up this season though.

This is just my personal feelings.I know others want Melissa to completely move on from Supergirl and the Arrowverse after this season concludes but I’m hoping that we get a proper crossover of some sort then in the 2021-2022 season where Melissa Benoist and Cress Williams(since Black Lightning is also ending this season) can make a guest appearance.It also does not feel right to me not to have Supergirl pop over to Superman & Lois at some point for a guest appearance so again maybe in a crossover event next year.Plus a proper crossover next season would give us the chance to see the new Batwoman and Supergirl meet then.

As for this season,even if they can’t do a actual crossover this season,I would love to hear that Supergirl went looking for Kate off-screen(good way also to have a Melissa light episode at the start of the season due to her maternity leave.) and maybe mention there is a new Batwoman in Gotham on Supergirl.That would satisfy me just fine given the COVID-19 situation preventing any crossover for this season.An acknowledgment of Kate’s missing status and the new Batwoman in Gotham can easily be done without any onscreen crossover.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 145
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Sad to see Supergirl's last crossover be all about the end of Green Arrow...and that we truly will never see the teased Justice League in action.

I really hope this is a stellar season. It's just really sad that the last season is the COVID season.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 146
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TV Line has confirmed that the Batwoman/Superman & Lois Crossover event for this season has been canceled.Also confirmed that Supergirl won't be dropping by either

Batwoman's Javicia Leslie Wants a 'Super Black' Arrowverse Crossover

By Keisha Hatchett / January 14 2021

Javicia Leslie is ready to suit up and take on Gotham’s worst. The God Friended Me alum will soon don the leather cowl when Season 2 of Batwoman premieres this Sunday (The CW, 8/7c). Leslie’s Ryan Wilder takes over for Kate Kane, who will be missing in action following Ruby Rose’s departure from the series in May.

With Leslie set to join the Arrowverse, the actress says she’s open to mixing it up with her CW cohorts, like the cast of Black Lightning. However, all crossover plans will have to wait until next year due to the COVID outbreak.

“I’m so heartbroken about the COVID situation because I know that it’s Black Lightning‘s last season, and I would have loved to do a crossover with them. Nafessa [Williams] and Jordan Calloway are really good friends of mine, and it would have been great to play with them and be superheroes all on the same show. That would have been epic,” Leslie tells TVLine, noting that she’d still like to stage a crossover when it’s safe to do so.

“Whatever show that has Black people on it, I’m going to do these crossovers with because I just want it to be a super Black crossover,” she adds.

TVLine has confirmed that the previously announced Arrowverse crossover between Batwoman and Superman & Lois has been cancelled as a result. According to Batwoman showrunner Caroline Dries, that also means Kara Danvers likely won’t be dropping by Gotham before Supergirl wraps this season.

“We’re not really able to cross over because physically, we can’t cross crews due to the fear of exposure to COVID,” Dries explains. “So if Supergirl weren’t ending this year, I would say there would be more of a possibility. But I’m afraid that at least this year, we’re not going to be able to tap into that dynamic.”

Batwoman‘s second season will focus on Wilder’s journey as Gotham’s newest caped crusader. She’s Black, lesbian and has a criminal record. Dries describes her as a messy, slightly goofy and untamed woman whose life has been scarred by racial injustice and a troubled childhood. Wilder will use the batsuit as a way to escape those unhealed wounds and become powerful in a way that she can’t outside of the suit.

Wilder won’t just be inheriting those cool Batwoman gadgets, though; she’ll also add her unique touches. Leslie reveals that Wilder will be making changes to the batsuit — among other things. “She wants to figure out a way to make this Batwoman comfortable for her, making Batwoman something that she feels represents her life, her path, the people that she represents.”

Sounds like originally they had wanted a Supergirl appearance on Batwoman this season but the COVID-19 situation still in play scrapped that along with the Batwoman/Superman & Lois crossover.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 147
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I wasn't bothered by the bangs or new suit. The new suit seemed more practical, even if the skirt was more iconic. Her suit is nano technology. I am not sure why it can't simply alternate in styles. She could have multiple suit variations.

I understand new shows on CW will be capped at 13 episodes, so when Superman and Walker air their episodes, the schedule will have room for Supergirl. Probably late May or June if the try to avoid reruns and preemption.

I do not see how they can complete and schedule 20 episodes of Supergirl before the 2021-22 season starts. I am thinking we will get season 6A this season and 6B will air sometimes next season.

Hopefully some meaningful information will start flowing in soon.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 148
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Was just listening to the latest DCTVshow podcast.It seems Melissa will be arriving in Vancouver probablty tomorrow to begin her two week quarantine.They also reported that Melissa's stunt double has been recently posting pics of herself for the show that is pointing to Melissa/Kara losing the bangs for season 6.I know back in October that Melissa was sporting non bangs when she was doing videos related to the election. We'll see soon possibly once filming restarts later this month probably via on location shooting,twitter/Instagram photos and possible official photo releases.

I will be ecstatic if they lose the bangs. I'm not a big fan of the current costume, but I had the inkling, all year, that it would have looked a lot better with the previous hairstyle.

The bangs actually looked pretty cute with some of Kara and Melissa's hairstyles...but the way they worked into Supergirl's hairstyle just didn't look good, to me.

Either eager and excited to hopefully get some BTS stuff, this month...or hopefully February if not this month.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 149
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Was just listening to the latest DCTVshow podcast.It seems Melissa will be arriving in Vancouver probablty tomorrow to begin her two week quarantine.They also reported that Melissa's stunt double has been recently posting pics of herself for the show that is pointing to Melissa/Kara losing the bangs for season 6.I know back in October that Melissa was sporting non bangs when she was doing videos related to the election. We'll see soon possibly once filming restarts later this month probably via on location shooting,twitter/Instagram photos and possible official photo releases.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 150
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Still no solid idea on a premiere date. But Melissa finally returns to set, in January. I'm hoping we'll start getting some BTS teases.

Kinda hoping for another update to the suit, this year.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 151
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Reign was not a favorite of mine but she may be back in season 6 or speculation is suggesting as much....
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 152
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Was just listening to the new DCTVShow podcast and it's reporting that episode 5 & 6(which finished on the 18th before the show broke for the holidays) may be a two parter and that Izabella and Olivia are also in episode 5 as well.

Some other interesting stuff and speculation in the video.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 153
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Was just watching the latest The DCTVShow podcast.Apparently David Harewood will be directing another episode this season after the Christmas break.

Supergirl goes on its Christmas break in 6 days and will return(with Melissa) to filming January 18(two week of quarantine prior to this)Melissa also posted a Instagram story revealing that she's begun training/getting into shape for her return as Supergirl.

Jesse Rath posted a photo from the currently filming episode 6,directed by Chyler and featuring Izabella and Olivia.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 154
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I thought I'd share this story I came across with a disclaimer... We Got This Covered is sometimes correct in their reporting but it is very hit and miss. While it sounds plausible, I wouldn't put a lot of stock in it at this point, it may or may not be accurate. I thought it would be appropriate here as it relates to season 6 speculation...
I agree with you that We Got This Covered is hit and miss, I take everything they say with a heavy dose of scepticism. They actually reported exactly the opposite in October.

LOL I guess since they reported things both ways they can say they were right.

Yeah,good way to cover However it shakes out,they can just point to either article and say they were right.

I agree, that would be fun to see. Hopefully she could work it in around any other projects she has in the future. It's all speculative of course, but fun to think about during the hiatus. I am reminded of the title of one movie by the late, great Sean Connery: "Never Say Never Again."

If Ben Affleck and Michael Keaton can come back as Batman(in the same movie too),who knows what can happen.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 155
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Quoting comic fan:
I certainly hope Melissa would be open to occasional guest appearances on other Arrowverse shows or future crossover events.If nothing else,I would love to see .a guest appearance on The Flash for whenever that shows eventually ends(rumor is that it probably will go another two years or maybe three) like she,Grant and Caity appeared in the final episode of Arrow.

I agree, that would be fun to see. Hopefully she could work it in around any other projects she has in the future. It's all speculative of course, but fun to think about during the hiatus. I am reminded of the title of one movie by the late, great Sean Connery: "Never Say Never Again."
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 156
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I thought I'd share this story I came across with a disclaimer... We Got This Covered is sometimes correct in their reporting but it is very hit and miss. While it sounds plausible, I wouldn't put a lot of stock in it at this point, it may or may not be accurate. I thought it would be appropriate here as it relates to season 6 speculation...
I agree with you that We Got This Covered is hit and miss, I take everything they say with a heavy dose of scepticism. They actually reported exactly the opposite in October.

LOL I guess since they reported things both ways they can say they were right.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 157
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I thought I'd share this story I came across with a disclaimer... We Got This Covered is sometimes correct in their reporting but it is very hit and miss. While it sounds plausible, I wouldn't put a lot of stock in it at this point, it may or may not be accurate. I thought it would be appropriate here as it relates to season 6 speculation...

I saw that a few days ago.We Got This Covered is not very reliable.I remember them swearing that their sources told them Supergirl was being canceled in season 4 due to low ratings and low and behold,it was renewed for Season 5.Then they said the same thing in Season 5 and the show was renewed for season 6.

Of course it's very possible but I keep going back to what Erin Cummings teased on The John Campea Show the days the news broke.I guess we'll know down the line.

I certainly hope Melissa would be open to occasional guest appearances on other Arrowverse shows or future crossover events.If nothing else,I would love to see .a guest appearance on The Flash for whenever that shows eventually ends(rumor is that it probably will go another two years or maybe three) like she,Grant and Caity appeared in the final episode of Arrow.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 158
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Thanks for the link CatPat. I feel it's going to be a bang up final season with the focus on Supergirl and Melissa the actress. I expect to see a full display of her talent in many episodes. After the conclusion of Supergirl I can see Melissa staring in a tv sit com or doing a stint on Broadway. Someone as talented as her will always land on their feet.

American Land(London Calling:Live In Hyde Park,2009) you tube
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 159
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I thought I'd share this story I came across with a disclaimer... We Got This Covered is sometimes correct in their reporting but it is very hit and miss. While it sounds plausible, I wouldn't put a lot of stock in it at this point, it may or may not be accurate. I thought it would be appropriate here as it relates to season 6 speculation...
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Speculation
  3. # 160

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