1. evrafter
  2. Motivator Smile Seeker Love Fool
  3. Supergirl Season 3
  4. Saturday, 14 October 2017
Hey, Kiwi...

I know you are our unofficial episode thread starter. But since there's been discussions scattered throughout the forum already concerning the crossover, are you down with me starting this one?

Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Next week's Crisis will have its ratings affected because CBS and Dish Network failed to reach an agreement.

Less than 4% of CBS viewers nationwide are currently blacked out.

Exactly, and I would venture to say that barely a .5% of CW viewers, if that much are blacked out.

my source is the reaper, and he only mentioned CBS as having issues with Dish. He noted that 'you may not think you are paying for broadcast networks, but if you have cable or a satellite subscription then you most certainly are.'

Here are the stations impacted....
- KCBS-TV 2 (CBS) Los Angeles, California - KCAL-TV 9 (independent) Los Angeles, California - KOVR-TV 13 (CBS) Stockton-Sacramento-Modesto, California - KMAX-TV 31 (The CW) Sacramento-Stockton-Modesto, California - KPIX-TV 5 (CBS) San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, California - KBCW 44 (The CW) San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose, California - KCNC-TV 4 (CBS) Denver, Colorado - WFOR-TV 4 (CBS) Miami-Ft. Lauderdale, Florida - WBFS-TV 33 (My Network TV) Miami-Ft. Lauderdale, Florida - WTOG-TV 44 (The CW) St. Petersburg-Tampa, Florida - WUPA-TV 69 (The CW) Atlanta, Georgia - WBBM-TV 2 (CBS) Chicago, Illinois - WJZ-TV 13 (CBS) Baltimore, Maryland - WBZ-TV 4 (CBS) Boston, Massachusetts - WSBK-TV 38 (CBS) Boston, Massachusetts - WWJ-TV 62 (CBS) Detroit, Michigan - WKBD-TV 50 (The CW) Detroit, Michigan - WCCO-TV 4 (CBS) Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minnesota, KCCO-TV 7 Alexandria, Minnesota and KCCW-TV 12 Walker, Minnesota - WCBS-TV 2 (CBS) New York, New York - WLNY-TV 55 (independent) Riverhead, New York - KYW-TV 3 (CBS) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - WPSG-TV 57 (The CW) Philadelphia, Pennsylvania - KDKA-TV 2 (CBS) Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania - WPCW-TV 19 (The CW) Jeannette-Pittsburgh-Johnstown-Altoona-State College, Pennsylvania - KTVT 11 (CBS) Ft. Worth-Dallas, Texas - KTXA-TV 21 (independent) Ft. Worth-Dallas, Texas - KSTW-TV 11 (The CW) Tacoma-Seattle-Everett, Washington

This website gives you the top 100 TV markets.....

A slight correction; WSBK-TV 38 in Boston is not a CBS affiliate; it's with MyNetworkTV (My TV38) which is not really a network but it's a way for stations to not call themselves independent. Should WBZ-TV 4 have any major breaking news, local or from CBS, CBS programming gets bumped to 38. In NYC, when news breaks on CBS2, unless it's something major, CBS programs are shipped to TV10/55. The "10" refers to the cable spot on most NYC tri-state area cable systems, except mine, which carries the station on 15.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 121
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Wwooowhooo! Confirmed: Barry asks Kara to sing at the wedding. And, according to the article writer, it's amazing!!

TvGuide Article

Well the showrunners are looking to given Melissa a second chance at showing off her vocals. Consider what happened in the Flash crossover a slight off-step. Then again as a trapped Kara in the world of Music Meister, I think she had to do it that way.

At something more capable like the West Allen wedding, and since Barry and Kara are best (Super) friends) it seems to make sense.

My only speculation is...what song does she sing? Is it something operatic to show off her soprano chops, or perhaps the song Barry sang to Iris at the end of that show Running Home to You?
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 122
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Same here! Except that I'm buying the other 3 on Google Play on top of Season 3. :D (purchases can also be watched on Youtube through the same account).

My DVR is already set for all 4 shows to record....and I'll buy the other 3 episodes to go along with Season 3 on Amazon. So I'm good......
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 123
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Was there any word if an OST will be released after the crossover, just like Duet? OHHHH I cannot wait to hear Melissa's song!

Trailer Theme

Wwooowhooo! Confirmed: Barry asks Kara to sing at the wedding. And, according to the article writer, it's amazing!!

TvGuide Article

So Apple might as well just go ahead and take my money now, no way I’m not buying this.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 124
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Wwooowhooo! Confirmed: Barry asks Kara to sing at the wedding. And, according to the article writer, it's amazing!!

TvGuide Article

Well the showrunners are looking to given Melissa a second chance at showing off her vocals. Consider what happened in the Flash crossover a slight off-step. Then again as a trapped Kara in the world of Music Meister, I think she had to do it that way.

At something more capable like the West Allen wedding, and since Barry and Kara are best (Super) friends) it seems to make sense.

My only speculation is...what song does she sing? Is it something operatic to show off her soprano chops, or perhaps the song Barry sang to Iris at the end of that show Running Home to You?

Oooo... That would be a good choice, especially with a more orchestral background? I'm even more excited since the article said we won't be expecting how. awesome it really is. Makes me think her singing is actually highlighted for a bit, and not just softly playing in the background.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 125
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Alright me mates, the goods is near, the good is near

Get set, get pumped, get hyped

I might very well be more excited for the crossover than Season 3 Ep 1. I mean, at this point in the game, we KNOW Season 3 is turning out possibly the best ever. AND...we even get MelB singing. AND we get 4 hours!

Oh AAANNNDDD....I just bought a new $1500 55" OLED tv. Sooooo....there's that, too.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 126
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I might very well be more excited for the crossover than Season 3 Ep 1. I mean, at this point in the game, we KNOW Season 3 is turning out possibly the best ever. AND...we even get MelB singing. AND we get 4 hours!

Oh AAANNNDDD....I just bought a new $1500 55" OLED tv. Sooooo....there's that, too.

Congratulations on the new TV.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 127
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I don't have to add much here, but i really like Overgirls costume. Well OK the SS is a bit to much, one S rune would have been enough, but the overall design is great.

Looks much like Overmans.
Attachments (1)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 128
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I might very well be more excited for the crossover than Season 3 Ep 1. I mean, at this point in the game, we KNOW Season 3 is turning out possibly the best ever. AND...we even get MelB singing. AND we get 4 hours!

Oh AAANNNDDD....I just bought a new $1500 55" OLED tv. Sooooo....there's that, too.

Congratulations on the new TV.

Thanks, Brier. Decided it's best to spend more to get what I want and keep it awhile than chasing new technology. Almost got the 65". But decided in the end it would probably overwhelm the room. Plus, not sure $800 more was worth a few more inches. But, man oh man the crossover is gonna look BRILLIANT!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 129
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I'm shutting myself out of social media 8pm EST! Probably hide under a rock for the next few hours, too...

Man the event feels like a big game will go on TV,... :D
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 130
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I'm shutting myself out of social media 8pm EST! Probably hide under a rock for the next few hours, too...

Man the event feels like a big game will go on TV,... :D

Same, Triggy. Same. As soon as Eric hits twitter, I'm shuttin down social media till I'm through the two hours. I'll be an hour behind him and the east coasters.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 131
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I'm shutting myself out of social media 8pm EST! Probably hide under a rock for the next few hours, too...

Man the event feels like a big game will go on TV,... :D

Same, Triggy. Same. As soon as Eric hits twitter, I'm shuttin down social media till I'm through the two hours. I'll be an hour behind him and the east coasters.

I’ll be right behind you all waiting for 8 Pacific Time. I am going to stay so far away from Twitter....
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 132
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
The Supergirl vs. Overgirl fight will feel like it's taking place right in the room. You're not going to miss much with that screen :D Congrats!

I might very well be more excited for the crossover than Season 3 Ep 1. I mean, at this point in the game, we KNOW Season 3 is turning out possibly the best ever. AND...we even get MelB singing. AND we get 4 hours!

Oh AAANNNDDD....I just bought a new $1500 55" OLED tv. Sooooo....there's that, too.

Congratulations on the new TV.

Thanks, Brier. Decided it's best to spend more to get what I want and keep it awhile than chasing new technology. Almost got the 65". But decided in the end it would probably overwhelm the room. Plus, not sure $800 more was worth a few more inches. But, man oh man the crossover is gonna look BRILLIANT!
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 133
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I'm worse off, because even though my time zone is Mountain Time, I get the West Coast feed from KSTW Seattle. So that's 1 more hour of wait.

I'm in Canada - GlobalTV placed Supergirl (staring Season 2) on their co-owned cable channel Showcase, which will show Supergirl at 8pm MST, tonight. CTV Two (national TV) will show Arrow at 9pm MST. Anyone who have not signed up for Showcase will miss out on the Supergirl part of the Crossover.

8 minutes to go for the East Coast! Enjoy!!!!!

Same, Triggy. Same. As soon as Eric hits twitter, I'm shuttin down social media till I'm through the two hours. I'll be an hour behind him and the east coasters.

I’ll be right behind you all waiting for 8 Pacific Time. I am going to stay so far away from Twitter....
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 134
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Alright it appears the crossover has begun for you Americans. Don't tell me anything lol
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 135
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
The Supergirl vs. Overgirl fight will feel like it's taking place right in the room. You're not going to miss much with that screen :D Congrats!

Oh man, Sully.... Overgirl on my 55" was spectacular. I could see every tiny detail of the fabric. lol No joke.

But my heck, people!!!.... Took me twice as long to watch tonight because I found myself constantly rewinding parts just to rewatch some of their facials (especially Kara and Overgirl, and Alex's... Bah ha ha), rewatch Kara sing (like 5-6 times), and whatnot. So far...lots and lots of awesomeness. 137.734574 times more brilliant and entertaining than last year!!

Overgirl feels COMPLETELY different than Red Kryptonite Kara. MAJOR kudos to Melissa for that. RK Kara, afterall, WAS still Kara with Kara's memories. Overgirl is a completely different person. Well done, MelB. At first, I was worried Overgirl was going to feel a bit... "cheesy." A few lines by Melissa...the part about on HER earth, her pod was lucky enough to crash in the motherland...was delivered in a cheesy sounding cadence in Melissa's delivery (hope that makes sense). But, her interaction in the warehouse between Alex and Kara was much better

I've also been impressed with Stephen Amell's performance as the SS Arrow.

ONLY dissapointment, thus far... wanting a one-on-one with Alex and Overgirl. But, how Melissa delivered "Such, LOYALTY! MY sister tried to KILL me"...was hilarious.

Oh, and Sanver fans needn't worry. Alex and Sarah totally don't gel. In fact, Sarah seems more irritated with Alex, if anything. If Maggie didn't want kids, I REALLY don't see Sarah wanting to play mom.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 136
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Oh and P.S... Kiwi... I immediately noted... Blake's score was on... POINT tonight, especially the choral part towards the first SS scene.

P.S.S... How awesome was Guardian's suit? Loved the subtle changes.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 137
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Kara really likes to beat herself up when she's down.

Cringy pun delivered, mission complete.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 138
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
The Supergirl vs. Overgirl fight will feel like it's taking place right in the room. You're not going to miss much with that screen :D Congrats!

Oh man, Sully.... Overgirl on my 55" was spectacular. I could see every tiny detail of the fabric. lol No joke.

But my heck, people!!!.... Took me twice as long to watch tonight because I found myself constantly rewinding parts just to rewatch some of their facials (especially Kara and Overgirl, and Alex's... Bah ha ha), rewatch Kara sing (like 5-6 times), and whatnot. So far...lots and lots of awesomeness. 137.734574 times more brilliant and entertaining than last year!!

Overgirl feels COMPLETELY different than Red Kryptonite Kara. MAJOR kudos to Melissa for that. RK Kara, afterall, WAS still Kara with Kara's memories. Overgirl is a completely different person. Well done, MelB. At first, I was worried Overgirl was going to feel a bit... "cheesy." A few lines by Melissa...the part about on HER earth, her pod was lucky enough to crash in the motherland...was delivered in a cheesy sounding cadence in Melissa's delivery (hope that makes sense). But, her interaction in the warehouse between Alex and Kara was much better

I've also been impressed with Stephen Amell's performance as the SS Arrow.

ONLY dissapointment, thus far... wanting a one-on-one with Alex and Overgirl. But, how Melissa delivered "Such, LOYALTY! MY sister tried to KILL me"...was hilarious.

Oh, and Sanver fans needn't worry. Alex and Sarah totally don't gel. In fact, Sarah seems more irritated with Alex, if anything. If Maggie didn't want kids, I REALLY don't see Sarah wanting to play mom.

Thoughts on evil SuperArrow?

Also Sara is not a 'relationship' sort of woman, at least not played that way on LOT, she's had lots of one night stands on that show so its actually in character for her to sleep with Alex.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 139
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Melissa is so good as Overgirl! And making an evil Oliver-Kara power couple is one of the best ideas I've seen in a long time - it's makes their motive to go in to Earth-1 believable (Overgirl dying if no new heart is obtained).

Best crossover ever! (so far) :D
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 3
  3. # 140

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