I think the writers laid their cards on the table to a degree. It was written in the Book of Destiny that Barry and Kara would have to die. But Oliver objected to that. The Monitor asked what he thought should be done instead. Earlier, Superman had said rewriting destiny comes with a price. I think they might be telegraphing a different resolution.
Perhaps. But that only spared them from THIS event, because even Oliver knew they were the best bet for surviving the oncoming Crisis.
Like I said, I don't think their deaths will be permanent. But I think they should happen.
In story, you are correct; it saved them from dying in the Elseworlds event. However, on a "meta" level, I think it might be a metaphor--to wit: It is written in the Book of Destiny (i.e., the original Crisis comic book) that Barry and Oliver will die. BUT Oliver cut a deal of some sort, so that need not be the case. There will still be a price--just not necessarily
that one.
That is just a thought that sprang to my mind when watching. Not saying it is what
will happen.
It does seem odd to me, though, to want to see the death of Kara and/or Barry to give Crisis weight, only to have it undone soon afterward. Part of the reason those deaths carried such gravitas was that they "stuck" for around 20 years--an eternity in comic book terms. I might well call foul if they cheapened it in such a way.
As for Flashpoint, I agree it was massive disappointment, but not because they were missing any iconic moments. It was because they did far too little with the premise.
I guess the best way to put it is that I'm leaving room for the writers to come up with their own iconic moments, whatever they turn out to be. Gonna be a looong wait for next fall, though...