Or the 'Blight' is caused by the 'World Killers'. (Perhaps the blight is phase 3?)
Seriously what are the odds that both Kara and the Legion would be fighting something that destroys planets a millennia apart? They have to be related somehow. Also Mon-El mentioned that they figured out a way to defeat the blight, which would be very useful to have.
I suspect they just don't realize it yet. I'm thinking when Reign starts phase 3 of her destruction program, Brainy (Or perhaps all three of the legionnaires) will be like "wait this looks familiar, isn't this the thing we are fighting in the future?"
- Gavagai
- Supergirl General Discussion
- Sunday, 21 January 2018
After reading the article on the power possibilities of the World Killers, I think that your theory is a good possibility. If the writers actually use the comic version of their powers, then the combination of them could indeed wipe out planets such as the one Mon-El described, in the way that he described.
As to how they could be in the future, I was thinking that perhaps they get unintentionally sent into the future by the Legion.
We don't know for certain if the Legion's arrival was an event that was always part of the original timeline or if it was a change to the original timeline. It could be possible that, in the original timeline, the Legion did come back to Earth, as they are now, and did intervene in Reign and the World Killer's attack. That intervention somehow resulted in the World Killers, unknowingly, being sent into the future, which led to them destroying planets there. The Legion found all this info out in their mission to that planet and now they have arrived back, in this particular timeline on purpose, to prevent the World Killers from being sent into the future. (time travel is so confusing
As to how they could be in the future, I was thinking that perhaps they get unintentionally sent into the future by the Legion.
We don't know for certain if the Legion's arrival was an event that was always part of the original timeline or if it was a change to the original timeline. It could be possible that, in the original timeline, the Legion did come back to Earth, as they are now, and did intervene in Reign and the World Killer's attack. That intervention somehow resulted in the World Killers, unknowingly, being sent into the future, which led to them destroying planets there. The Legion found all this info out in their mission to that planet and now they have arrived back, in this particular timeline on purpose, to prevent the World Killers from being sent into the future. (time travel is so confusing

- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 1
I really like your theory, Gavagal. It would be a really great way to tie the the Legion's story into the show's current dilemma. I don't think it will happen, but I wish the writers would have thought of it.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 2
I was thinking when talking to someone on Reddit it kind of clicked for me. One of the World killers is supposed to be called 'Pestilence' right? Isn't that a synonym for Blight? I just checked, and apparently it is. Idk if that might be a relevant clue here. Especially since Mon El and Imra were going on and on about how they put all the info for how to deal with that in their DNA.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 3
Somehow though, I have this feeling that the writers are going to expect us to believe that Kara and Sam have this close connection just because they threw in that "best friends" line in 3x09.In smallville they used black kryptonite to saparate doomsday and davis, his human persona, so if the rest of the world killers are like reign, with human persona and alien persona, perhaps they'll use a similar method, but once the entities are saparated, the alien personas will take a much more monstrous forms, like the one that samantha saw in her nightmare with alura. At that point, mon-el and the rest of the legion will realize that the blight is an advanced form of the world killers, and their inteference only hasten the process, and they'll have to use the solution the was carved in their DNA.
I quite like the idea of 'separating' the world killers. It gives them someone to save (Supergirl is all about saving people after all), and some true monsters to battle in the end. This would be more emotionally satisfying (or at least tidy) than Kara having to kill one of her friends just because she happened to get 'possessed'.
True, Sam actually dying in the end would be more heartbreaking, but what kind of scars would that leave on Kara's heart going into next season? If Sam dies would Kara think she had failed as Supergirl since she couldn't save her?
Been there done that with Mon-el.....She and Sam don't have as deep of a connection, at the moment....and I think we have run out of time to make it much more....
Anyone that Kara isn't able to save will leave an impact on her just because of Kara's personality, character and values. If she feels as though she played a role in that death, I think the impact would be even greater.
Actually, I think we see her (Kara's) response in how she reacted to Livewire dying in this last episode. AND, we could multiply that at least by 2 with Sam/Reign.....I just don't think we can equate it with her emotion in thinking she killed Mon-el....I don't think the relationship goes THAT deep.
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 4
Somehow though, I have this feeling that the writers are going to expect us to believe that Kara and Sam have this close connection just because they threw in that "best friends" line in 3x09.In smallville they used black kryptonite to saparate doomsday and davis, his human persona, so if the rest of the world killers are like reign, with human persona and alien persona, perhaps they'll use a similar method, but once the entities are saparated, the alien personas will take a much more monstrous forms, like the one that samantha saw in her nightmare with alura. At that point, mon-el and the rest of the legion will realize that the blight is an advanced form of the world killers, and their inteference only hasten the process, and they'll have to use the solution the was carved in their DNA.
I quite like the idea of 'separating' the world killers. It gives them someone to save (Supergirl is all about saving people after all), and some true monsters to battle in the end. This would be more emotionally satisfying (or at least tidy) than Kara having to kill one of her friends just because she happened to get 'possessed'.
True, Sam actually dying in the end would be more heartbreaking, but what kind of scars would that leave on Kara's heart going into next season? If Sam dies would Kara think she had failed as Supergirl since she couldn't save her?
Been there done that with Mon-el.....She and Sam don't have as deep of a connection, at the moment....and I think we have run out of time to make it much more....
Anyone that Kara isn't able to save will leave an impact on her just because of Kara's personality, character and values. If she feels as though she played a role in that death, I think the impact would be even greater.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 5
In smallville they used black kryptonite to saparate doomsday and davis, his human persona, so if the rest of the world killers are like reign, with human persona and alien persona, perhaps they'll use a similar method, but once the entities are saparated, the alien personas will take a much more monstrous forms, like the one that samantha saw in her nightmare with alura. At that point, mon-el and the rest of the legion will realize that the blight is an advanced form of the world killers, and their inteference only hasten the process, and they'll have to use the solution the was carved in their DNA.
I quite like the idea of 'separating' the world killers. It gives them someone to save (Supergirl is all about saving people after all), and some true monsters to battle in the end. This would be more emotionally satisfying (or at least tidy) than Kara having to kill one of her friends just because she happened to get 'possessed'.
True, Sam actually dying in the end would be more heartbreaking, but what kind of scars would that leave on Kara's heart going into next season? If Sam dies would Kara think she had failed as Supergirl since she couldn't save her?
Been there done that with Mon-el.....She and Sam don't have as deep of a connection, at the moment....and I think we have run out of time to make it much more....
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 6
So, between that weak reasoning and that dang necklace that I still believe has a connection to the solution, I think that there is definitely something that the Legion is holding back. Perhaps it has to do with this Blight but, I'm not sure how the World Killers in the early 21st Century could be connected with something that happens so many centuries later.
Yeah, something is definitely still up with the Legion. Note B5's warning to Mon El to be "careful" when he starts talking about the future. I think either they're information is incomplete and they really don't know what happens to Reign ("leaving" could just mean she's not around in the future), or they're withholding information for fear of what it'll do to the future timeline, or maybe Reign "leaving" is kind of like Obi Wan saying that Darth Vader "murdered" Anakin - accurate from a certain point of view but not the whole truth.
I'm reminded of one of the Supergirl annual comics where Supergirl travels to the future and hangs out with the Legion, but they try to prevent her from going to the Superman memorial museum. Later, she manages to sneak into the Supergirl hall within the museum and is horrified when she learns the shocking details of her death.
Imra: "What about Tommy and Gina? 'You live for the fight when it's all that you've got!'"
Mon El: "Bon Jovi."
Imra: "Or was that all a lie?"
Mon El: "No. He speaks the truth."
Mon El: "Bon Jovi."
Imra: "Or was that all a lie?"
Mon El: "No. He speaks the truth."
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 7
In smallville they used black kryptonite to saparate doomsday and davis, his human persona, so if the rest of the world killers are like reign, with human persona and alien persona, perhaps they'll use a similar method, but once the entities are saparated, the alien personas will take a much more monstrous forms, like the one that samantha saw in her nightmare with alura. At that point, mon-el and the rest of the legion will realize that the blight is an advanced form of the world killers, and their inteference only hasten the process, and they'll have to use the solution the was carved in their DNA.
I quite like the idea of 'separating' the world killers. It gives them someone to save (Supergirl is all about saving people after all), and some true monsters to battle in the end. This would be more emotionally satisfying (or at least tidy) than Kara having to kill one of her friends just because she happened to get 'possessed'.
True, Sam actually dying in the end would be more heartbreaking, but what kind of scars would that leave on Kara's heart going into next season? If Sam dies would Kara think she had failed as Supergirl since she couldn't save her?
Imra: "What about Tommy and Gina? 'You live for the fight when it's all that you've got!'"
Mon El: "Bon Jovi."
Imra: "Or was that all a lie?"
Mon El: "No. He speaks the truth."
Mon El: "Bon Jovi."
Imra: "Or was that all a lie?"
Mon El: "No. He speaks the truth."
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 8
Or the 'Blight' is caused by the 'World Killers'. (Perhaps the blight is phase 3?)
Seriously what are the odds that both Kara and the Legion would be fighting something that destroys planets a millennia apart? They have to be related somehow. Also Mon-El mentioned that they figured out a way to defeat the blight, which would be very useful to have.
I suspect they just don't realize it yet. I'm thinking when Reign starts phase 3 of her destruction program, Brainy (Or perhaps all three of the legionnaires) will be like "wait this looks familiar, isn't this the thing we are fighting in the future?"
In smallville they used black kryptonite to saparate doomsday and davis, his human persona, so if the rest of the world killers are like reign, with human persona and alien persona, perhaps they'll use a similar method, but once the entities are saparated, the alien personas will take a much more monstrous forms, like the one that samantha saw in her nightmare with alura. At that point, mon-el and the rest of the legion will realize that the blight is an advanced form of the world killers, and their inteference only hasten the process, and they'll have to use the solution the was carved in their DNA.
I think you may definitely have something there.....for sure.
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 9
The Blight was also on Star Trek Deep Space Nine as a biological disease. There was discussion about it being turned into a biological weapon, too.
I can see there being a connection between what's going on now for Supergirl and what the Legion has going on in the future. After all, why spend time in the show telling us all about this planet and this thing that destroys them when they could as easily just told Alex that they needed to stay alive in order to stop a world problem in the future. And their whole reason for needing to stay alive is a little weak on reasoning, too. DNA is found on a person's cells. It survives long after a person has died which is why criminal forensics can use it to determine identity and solve crimes that happened way in the past. So, they actually don't NEED to be alive; they only need to retain enough readable DNA from a cell.
So, between that weak reasoning and that dang necklace that I still believe has a connection to the solution, I think that there is definitely something that the Legion is holding back. Perhaps it has to do with this Blight but, I'm not sure how the World Killers in the early 21st Century could be connected with something that happens so many centuries later.
I can see there being a connection between what's going on now for Supergirl and what the Legion has going on in the future. After all, why spend time in the show telling us all about this planet and this thing that destroys them when they could as easily just told Alex that they needed to stay alive in order to stop a world problem in the future. And their whole reason for needing to stay alive is a little weak on reasoning, too. DNA is found on a person's cells. It survives long after a person has died which is why criminal forensics can use it to determine identity and solve crimes that happened way in the past. So, they actually don't NEED to be alive; they only need to retain enough readable DNA from a cell.
So, between that weak reasoning and that dang necklace that I still believe has a connection to the solution, I think that there is definitely something that the Legion is holding back. Perhaps it has to do with this Blight but, I'm not sure how the World Killers in the early 21st Century could be connected with something that happens so many centuries later.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 10
In the comics the Blight is a separate and unrelated race. Of course, there could be a connection in this universe though.
Imra: "What about Tommy and Gina? 'You live for the fight when it's all that you've got!'"
Mon El: "Bon Jovi."
Imra: "Or was that all a lie?"
Mon El: "No. He speaks the truth."
Mon El: "Bon Jovi."
Imra: "Or was that all a lie?"
Mon El: "No. He speaks the truth."
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 11
Or the 'Blight' is caused by the 'World Killers'. (Perhaps the blight is phase 3?)
Seriously what are the odds that both Kara and the Legion would be fighting something that destroys planets a millennia apart? They have to be related somehow. Also Mon-El mentioned that they figured out a way to defeat the blight, which would be very useful to have.
I suspect they just don't realize it yet. I'm thinking when Reign starts phase 3 of her destruction program, Brainy (Or perhaps all three of the legionnaires) will be like "wait this looks familiar, isn't this the thing we are fighting in the future?"
In smallville they used black kryptonite to saparate doomsday and davis, his human persona, so if the rest of the world killers are like reign, with human persona and alien persona, perhaps they'll use a similar method, but once the entities are saparated, the alien personas will take a much more monstrous forms, like the one that samantha saw in her nightmare with alura. At that point, mon-el and the rest of the legion will realize that the blight is an advanced form of the world killers, and their inteference only hasten the process, and they'll have to use the solution the was carved in their DNA.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 12
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