At Brierrose's suggestion,I'm starting a spoiler thread for the end run of Supergirl.The last few days the final location shooting for the series finale of Supergirl has been taking place and some very spoilerish info has been revealed from these reports and photos.I've been spoiler hiding all the reports but to play safe,I'm going to move those posts here and any stuff from today's location shoot which is actually the final location shoot ever for Supergirl as they stay in studio next week from what I read.That way the News/Speculation thread can remain for more general stuff like official promotion and interviews.Things of that ilk.If it's something revealed in a official release than TPTB don't consider that really spoilers(if they are revealing it in a interview than they want it out there).
The set stuff,I'm stll going to keep spoiler hidden just for the sheer amount of photos and reports that are there.Basiically to keep things cleaner looking. But spoilers can be talked about freely here.
I seem to have missed what happened to Mxy, as opposed to the evil 5th dimensional imp?
If I remember,there is a mention that he was released from the sphere and he offered Alex & Kelly a free wish (within reason)as a wedding gift.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 6
- # 1
I seem to have missed what happened to Mxy, as opposed to the evil 5th dimensional imp?
Mxy escaped when Lex cut the crystal ball in half in episode 619. You can see his light fly off. Later during the wedding reception Winn mentions that Mxy visits the Legion occasionally, so he did survive.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 6
- # 2
I seem to have missed what happened to Mxy, as opposed to the evil 5th dimensional imp?
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 6
- # 3
Jay Snow has screened the Supergirl series finale.Here are his thoughts on twitter.
jay snow.
me @ these supergirl finale screeners that just landed in my inbox
i have so much to say but i have to stop crying (in a good way) first to be able to find the words to express how deeply touching the sg series finale is
Some of what happens may not be everything you’ve ever wanted for the show, but it definitely captures Kara & Alex’s journey over the course of SG well. Despite the issues you may have with the show, it will leave you heartbroken that it’s ending (in a good way, at least for me).
The Dansen wedding and everything about it is spectacular and incredibly lovely, and it’s such a wonderful tease of what Alex and Kelly’s life together is going to be like. Alex, Kelly, and Esme have been the best part of the final season, and this just emphasizes that.
I’ve obviously had my issues with #Supergirl, but the series finale is such a touching & beautiful tribute to the show and the characters. I see why Melissa liked this ending for Kara, and I wholeheartedly agree. This was such an emotional episode, & one of my absolute favorites.
that’s just my opinion on the ending of a show i have always loved so much for so many different reasons since it premiered, even though it has left me absolutely speechless and enraged at times. the potential of what the show always could’ve been is felt in the finale, for sure.
it’s a shame we didn’t get melissa / kara singing more on the show. her song with winn is mesmerizing.

that’s all from me, folks.
Critic Alex Zalben on Supergirl Finale:"... I cried a lot, I think they came to a solid conclusion, and no one will be completely satisfied.
"I know what you want to know, but the answer is…complicated. I'm sorry.
jay snow.
me @ these supergirl finale screeners that just landed in my inbox
i have so much to say but i have to stop crying (in a good way) first to be able to find the words to express how deeply touching the sg series finale is
Some of what happens may not be everything you’ve ever wanted for the show, but it definitely captures Kara & Alex’s journey over the course of SG well. Despite the issues you may have with the show, it will leave you heartbroken that it’s ending (in a good way, at least for me).
The Dansen wedding and everything about it is spectacular and incredibly lovely, and it’s such a wonderful tease of what Alex and Kelly’s life together is going to be like. Alex, Kelly, and Esme have been the best part of the final season, and this just emphasizes that.
I’ve obviously had my issues with #Supergirl, but the series finale is such a touching & beautiful tribute to the show and the characters. I see why Melissa liked this ending for Kara, and I wholeheartedly agree. This was such an emotional episode, & one of my absolute favorites.
that’s just my opinion on the ending of a show i have always loved so much for so many different reasons since it premiered, even though it has left me absolutely speechless and enraged at times. the potential of what the show always could’ve been is felt in the finale, for sure.
it’s a shame we didn’t get melissa / kara singing more on the show. her song with winn is mesmerizing.

that’s all from me, folks.
Critic Alex Zalben on Supergirl Finale:"... I cried a lot, I think they came to a solid conclusion, and no one will be completely satisfied.
"I know what you want to know, but the answer is…complicated. I'm sorry.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 6
- # 4
Some spoilerish speculation.We know based on location shooting that Nyxly & Lex will be teaming up at the end of the season/series and it seems Nyxly will have her powers.Based on this weeks episode,I think that Nyxly will turn to Lex to get those cuffs off and ofcourse Lex will want a cut of her powers once she gets all those totems.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 6
- # 5
An advanced review of next weeks Supergirl with some spoilers.,Nothing major but it does give some details of the episode so I'm putting it In the spoiler thread.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 6
- # 6
Canadagraphs posted his blog from the very last location shoot ever for Supergirl at the Poppy Estate Golf Course for the series finale.
The shoot was for
The shoot was for
Warning: Spoiler Alert!
[Toggle message]
Alex's & Kelly's wedding and you can see Kelly in her wedding dress.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 6
- # 7
Any info on Kara and Lena’s reunion in the Supergirl summer premiere (airing Aug. 24)? –Olivia
They briefly hug…? But beyond that, Kara’s quite preoccupied after realizing that Phantoms terrified National City in her absence, while Lena is busy helping save the day (and noticing that a fellow team member is in quite a funk).
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 6
- # 8
A early episode 8 twitter review from a writer at Hypable.
See new Tweets
jay snow.
Wow, #Supergirl 608 is honestly one of the most genuinely enjoyable eps in quite a while. It’s wonderful to have Kara back in the spotlight, and we get back to basics with the super friends fighting and (surprise!) actual focus on CatCo… in a good way (even more surprising)!
jay snow.
Replying to
A few things I loved: Actual acknowledgment of the trauma Kara has experienced, Lena and Nia’s growing friendship (yep, there’s even more), the Danvers sisters, and funny Brainy moments. Really excited for more after this, which is such a nice feeling to have for this show again.
jay snow.
This is just my opinion, so don’t come back to crucify me if you don’t feel the same. I feel like the show finally has direction again both with the story and the characters, which is exciting. And god, Melissa Benoist is just so GOOD. Losing her as SG is a big loss for the AV.
See new Tweets
jay snow.
Wow, #Supergirl 608 is honestly one of the most genuinely enjoyable eps in quite a while. It’s wonderful to have Kara back in the spotlight, and we get back to basics with the super friends fighting and (surprise!) actual focus on CatCo… in a good way (even more surprising)!
jay snow.
Replying to
A few things I loved: Actual acknowledgment of the trauma Kara has experienced, Lena and Nia’s growing friendship (yep, there’s even more), the Danvers sisters, and funny Brainy moments. Really excited for more after this, which is such a nice feeling to have for this show again.
jay snow.
This is just my opinion, so don’t come back to crucify me if you don’t feel the same. I feel like the show finally has direction again both with the story and the characters, which is exciting. And god, Melissa Benoist is just so GOOD. Losing her as SG is a big loss for the AV.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 6
- # 9
Canadagraph's blog is up for the Weds. shoot of the series finale where the funeral was filmed.
He's going to have blog up from the secret shoot he managed to get to before the mid season premiere.It's rumored the secret shoot was for Alex's & Kelly's wedding.
I don't think that he got to see the wedding. The paparazzi were complaining about how nobody could get access to that location that they think would be for the wedding.
I'm curious about what he saw.In one of his live chats,he said he got to see some stuff none of the other regular bloggers got to see which is why he's taking his time to post about it.He has no competition from others to rush it out.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 6
- # 10
Canadagraph's blog is up for the Weds. shoot of the series finale where the funeral was filmed.
He's going to have blog up from the secret shoot he managed to get to before the mid season premiere.It's rumored the secret shoot was for Alex's & Kelly's wedding.
I don't think that he got to see the wedding. The paparazzi were complaining about how nobody could get access to that location that they think would be for the wedding.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 6
- # 11
Canadagraphs added about 70 more photos to his series finale blog for the Friday shoot.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 6
- # 12
Canadagraph's blog is up for the Weds. shoot of the series finale where the funeral was filmed.
He's going to have blog up from the secret shoot he managed to get to before the mid season premiere.It's rumored the secret shoot was for Alex's & Kelly's wedding.
He's going to have blog up from the secret shoot he managed to get to before the mid season premiere.It's rumored the secret shoot was for Alex's & Kelly's wedding.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 6
- # 13
Episode 17:Truth Or Consequences.
First time I've ever seen an episode named for a classic radio and later TV game show and a town in New Mexico once called Hot Springs.
Truth or Consequences was a party game turned into first a radio quiz show created and hosted by Ralph Edwards. The format...get contestants to be victims in wild consequences or stunts after failing to answer a ridiculous question and hearing the tones of "Beulah The Buzzer."
When TV came along it became a bigger hit. At first, Edwards would host it, but in 1956 he turned over the reigns to an up and coming personality...someone named...BOB BARKER. That's right before The Price is Right, Bob Barker's first big TV job was hosting T or C.
"Truth..." was TV's first game show, which aired as a one-time experiment on the first day of New York station WNBT (now WNBC)'s commercial program schedule on July 1, 1941 (happy 80th birthday NBC 4). The show didn't appear on TV again until 1950, when the medium caught on.
Edwards would also be the driving force behind "This Is Your Life"...the anthology series where some of Hollywood's biggest stars had their lives shown for all to see,
A popular segment on many episodes of was an emotional surprise for a contestant, such as being reunited with a long-lost relative or with an enlisted son or daughter returning from military duty overseas, particularly Vietnam. Sometimes, if a military member was based in California, his spouse or parents were flown in for a reunion.
In 1966, a syndicated version of the show aired, until 1974, when by then Barker established himself as host of The Price is Right...which too went into once weekly syndication. Two later syndicated versions were tried in 1977 with announcer Bob Hilton and in 1987 with comedian Larry Anderson as hosts...both after one season heard Beulah the Buzzer!
Ralph Edwards would also go into syndication producing...the likes of game shows such as "The Cross Wits" (1975-80) and ("The $100,000) Name That Tune" (1974-81) in the 1970's, The People's Court in 1981...which is still on to this day, and the wild so 90's dating show BZZZ! where he made one of his last TV appearances with hosted Annie Wood
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 6
- # 14
Suppsodly the titles for episode 17 and episode 18.

Episode 17:Truth Or Consequences.
Episode 18:Believe In A Thing Called Love
If accurate,episode 18 could be where Alex & Kelly get engaged.
Episode 17:Truth Or Consequences.
Episode 18:Believe In A Thing Called Love
If accurate,episode 18 could be where Alex & Kelly get engaged.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 6
- # 15
Canadagraphs blog report for last Friday's and Saturday shoots for the series finale.He will be adding more phots to this blog for both Friday and Saturday shoots over the next few day probably.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 6
- # 16
Canadagraphs first blog is up for the 6x20 shoots.This was from the Thursday shoot.He'll have more blogs for the other 6x20 location shoots(Wednesday.,Friday Saturday) going up over the next few days.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 6
- # 17
Stewart Tick
"Most bummed about the lack of Cat Grant hints of all. To have one last Cat Grant appearance would be a great way to tie it all back to season 1. I hope we at least get a Cat letter with a voice over."
Or better yet, Cat on a Zoom or Skype call.
"The main reason I could see everybody at a funeral for William including Winn,Mon-El and james is if he has some type heroic action that leads to his death.Maybe he exposes Lex's evil to the world finally but is killed in the process or he does something that opens the door for Team Supergirl to finally win against Lex."
Yes, that's what I was thinking, too. Like Iron Man or Black Widow in the last Avengers movie.
"Or are there any spoilers that suggest that Zor-El is dying?"
Yes, we've been talking about William. But maybe Zor-El is the one who actually dies.
Could it be that Cat Grant is the one in the coffin?
July 20,1969 "OH MY GOD" The Americans Are On The Moon"
"Most bummed about the lack of Cat Grant hints of all. To have one last Cat Grant appearance would be a great way to tie it all back to season 1. I hope we at least get a Cat letter with a voice over."
Or better yet, Cat on a Zoom or Skype call.
"The main reason I could see everybody at a funeral for William including Winn,Mon-El and james is if he has some type heroic action that leads to his death.Maybe he exposes Lex's evil to the world finally but is killed in the process or he does something that opens the door for Team Supergirl to finally win against Lex."
Yes, that's what I was thinking, too. Like Iron Man or Black Widow in the last Avengers movie.
"Or are there any spoilers that suggest that Zor-El is dying?"
Yes, we've been talking about William. But maybe Zor-El is the one who actually dies.
Could it be that Cat Grant is the one in the coffin?
July 20,1969 "OH MY GOD" The Americans Are On The Moon"
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 6
- # 18
The other lack of spoiler that is really depressing to me is nothing so far suggesting any Alura cameo. I think it would have felt very meaningful if she had reprised one more time to reunite with Zor-El. Or are there any spoilers that suggest that Zor-El is dying?
Yes, we've been talking about William. But maybe Zor-El is the one who actually dies.
There actually has been nothing regarding Zor-El for the last part of the seasonAtleast,.I haven't seen anything for episode 20(and he wasn't involved in this final battle or funeral based on the location stuff).Nor was he involved in the location shooting with the cast for episode 19 which was a battle at a river.I can't remember him being involved in any of the location shooting for episodes prior to that either.Now,maybe he's only in interior scenes but it is weird.It makes me wonder if the Zor-El story is wrapped up in the middle part of the season.Sometime between episodes 8-13/14.
I agree,it would be such a missed opportunity not to have Erica Durance as Alura appear in the Zor-El story.
Here's a few more reports from Friday's shooting.It seems two different versions of a scene were shot.
Warning: Spoiler Alert!
[Toggle message]
jasmine Wilted flower
Replying to
sg spoiler warning
*very* generally:
sg/j’onn with SFs in the back, lex/nyxly bring out past villains and monsters. SFs charge forward
[implied fight seq, mon enters]
sg/mon land, overgirl disappears, sg sees lena/acrata, then SFs/winn/james come in, pz opens, bye lex/nyx
pretty sure it’s this guy that we kept seeing everywhere on set, especially with al’s actor.
i put together a cut of the videos i have of the shot with j'onn in front and the shot with mon-el in front. it looks like there are different lines being said.
not confirming anything, but they do appear to be different scenes.
so for clarification there’s one scene that comes first, a face off with lex supposedly? with kara and j’onn flying in, and the other superfriends come into the scene. and then there is another scene where kara and mon-el fly in together with everyone beside them.
3:19 PM · Aug 1, 2021·Twitter for iPhone
Replying to
i heard at one point the director telling chris and mel to “stand closer to each other because you both flew in together” so that’s why they’re standing close together lol.
but anyways these are two different scenes clearly. but i really honestly don’t think it’s the end of the world. j’onn is right next to her when they first stand off against lex so that’s something.
Replying to
For the one with Kara and J’onn, are all the Superfriends come in or just Alex?
i believe they fly in alone and then the superfriends run in from behind them
bec is crying over supergirl
Replying to
So there’s two separate scenes?
yeah it really does look like it
jasmine Wilted flower
Replying to
sg spoiler warning
*very* generally:
sg/j’onn with SFs in the back, lex/nyxly bring out past villains and monsters. SFs charge forward
[implied fight seq, mon enters]
sg/mon land, overgirl disappears, sg sees lena/acrata, then SFs/winn/james come in, pz opens, bye lex/nyx
pretty sure it’s this guy that we kept seeing everywhere on set, especially with al’s actor.
i put together a cut of the videos i have of the shot with j'onn in front and the shot with mon-el in front. it looks like there are different lines being said.
not confirming anything, but they do appear to be different scenes.
so for clarification there’s one scene that comes first, a face off with lex supposedly? with kara and j’onn flying in, and the other superfriends come into the scene. and then there is another scene where kara and mon-el fly in together with everyone beside them.
3:19 PM · Aug 1, 2021·Twitter for iPhone
Replying to
i heard at one point the director telling chris and mel to “stand closer to each other because you both flew in together” so that’s why they’re standing close together lol.
but anyways these are two different scenes clearly. but i really honestly don’t think it’s the end of the world. j’onn is right next to her when they first stand off against lex so that’s something.
Replying to
For the one with Kara and J’onn, are all the Superfriends come in or just Alex?
i believe they fly in alone and then the superfriends run in from behind them
bec is crying over supergirl
Replying to
So there’s two separate scenes?
yeah it really does look like it
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 6
- # 19
"Most bummed about the lack of Cat Grant hints of all. To have one last Cat Grant appearance would be a great way to tie it all back to season 1. I hope we at least get a Cat letter with a voice over."
Or better yet, Cat on a Zoom or Skype call.
"The main reason I could see everybody at a funeral for William including Winn,Mon-El and james is if he has some type heroic action that leads to his death.Maybe he exposes Lex's evil to the world finally but is killed in the process or he does something that opens the door for Team Supergirl to finally win against Lex."
Yes, that's what I was thinking, too. Like Iron Man or Black Widow in the last Avengers movie.
"Or are there any spoilers that suggest that Zor-El is dying?"
Yes, we've been talking about William. But maybe Zor-El is the one who actually dies.
Or better yet, Cat on a Zoom or Skype call.
"The main reason I could see everybody at a funeral for William including Winn,Mon-El and james is if he has some type heroic action that leads to his death.Maybe he exposes Lex's evil to the world finally but is killed in the process or he does something that opens the door for Team Supergirl to finally win against Lex."
Yes, that's what I was thinking, too. Like Iron Man or Black Widow in the last Avengers movie.
"Or are there any spoilers that suggest that Zor-El is dying?"
Yes, we've been talking about William. But maybe Zor-El is the one who actually dies.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 6
- # 20
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