With one week until the season five premier I think it’s a good time to open Supergirl Season Five Episode Discussion and Review Volume 1. Last year we moved from threads for each episode to volumes and that seemed to work better. If someone wants to open threads for each episode go ahead, I’ll delete this one if that happens.
Let’s use this thread until the number of responses reaches an unmanageable point then like last year move on to subsequent volumes. I’ll list the episode titles for discussion in this thread only after they’re announced on the news page. I can add trailers and/or synopses too if the group wants.
S5E01 Event Horizon
S5E02 Stranger Beside Me
S5E03 Blurred Lines
S5E04 In Plain Sight
S5E05 Dangerous Liaisons
S5E06 Confidence Woman
S5E07 Tremors
S5E08 The Wrath of Rama Khan
While it’s likely that there will be Crises on Infinite Earths related scenes in these episodes if you’re post strictly involves those please use the dedicated thread. IMO it will easier for all of us if we don’t have to search through multiple threads come December.
- Brierrose
- Supergirl General Discussion
- Sunday, 29 September 2019
just stopping by to say hi, and drop off some goodies
sneak peek
Thanks, Rschick!
Nice reuse of digital assets. I approve!

- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 2
Review of the season premiere from Hypable. Warning while specific details aren’t shared I wouldn’t call it spoiler free. The author says it’s emotionally intense and that it’s one of their top 10 favorite episodes of the series. Only one day to go!
Thanks for sharing this! Sounds pretty promising, overall. Here's hoping I share the reviewer's opinion that the more "soapy" elements don't dominate.
I have this and Batwoman DVR'd in case I get too busy tonight. Been a long wait.

- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 5
And now begins the show's deliverance into the hands of the COIE abyss.
Like the PZ and event horizon visuals and analogy used in the premiere, the slow, inescapable drag to radical changes in the SG universe have begun.
Like the PZ and event horizon visuals and analogy used in the premiere, the slow, inescapable drag to radical changes in the SG universe have begun.
"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 8
I've been musing about Lena's electronic assistant (Help?). It brings to mind the supercomputer HAL9000 in the film "2001: A Space Odyssey." Lena at one point tells it that it is getting smarter. It is already questioning Lena's actions. I'm wondering if at some point it will go rogue and cause Lena to reject her reliance on technology, thereby becoming a catalyst for reconciliation between Lena and Kara.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 9
Maybe on Kara’s Earth her new boss can unilaterally rewrite a contract, but not on this one. Any of the CatCo employees who walked (and that should include Kara) would be able to get another journalism gig in a heartbeat.
Didn’t like Kara’s new hair.
Did like how Kara was the center of her own story. Last season felt as though she was a bystander in many episodes.
Did like her new suit, but it deployed way too slowly. And what happened to her dress? Was it crushed beneath the new suit?
Didn’t like the new, evil Lena. Luthor family members trying to take over the world are a cliché.
Didn’t like Kara’s new hair.
Did like how Kara was the center of her own story. Last season felt as though she was a bystander in many episodes.
Did like her new suit, but it deployed way too slowly. And what happened to her dress? Was it crushed beneath the new suit?
Didn’t like the new, evil Lena. Luthor family members trying to take over the world are a cliché.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 10
Interesting start. I have always loved Lena that being said. hoo boy...
I am a bit disappointed in Lena. I hope she gets better because complaining about how people are run by emotion, when her decision to eschew all emotion, is ultimately driven by emotion, while ironic, is seriously grating. She's acting like a moody teenager, to the point I half expected to see her to sulking in a Hot Topic.
I really wish she and Brainy were closer, because he could tell her what sort of person you become when you are devoid of all emotion.
Also you would think that someone operating purely on logic might consider the thought that Lex might not have been completely truthful when he told her that Kara and their friends weren't really her friends and mocked her behind her back. This is what I assume is the real 'betrayal' since she was okay with Alex not telling her that she worked for DEO, and Lena has plenty of secrets of her own. That's what this boils down to Lena is upset because she took something Lex, of all people, said at face value. So much for logic.
Also apparently Lena was going to expose that Kara is Supergirl? What is that supposed to accomplish? (Other than prove to the world that Kara not telling her was the correct decision, since she clearly can't be trusted)
I hope she gets better because Lena kinda sucks now.
I am a bit disappointed in Lena. I hope she gets better because complaining about how people are run by emotion, when her decision to eschew all emotion, is ultimately driven by emotion, while ironic, is seriously grating. She's acting like a moody teenager, to the point I half expected to see her to sulking in a Hot Topic.
I really wish she and Brainy were closer, because he could tell her what sort of person you become when you are devoid of all emotion.
Also you would think that someone operating purely on logic might consider the thought that Lex might not have been completely truthful when he told her that Kara and their friends weren't really her friends and mocked her behind her back. This is what I assume is the real 'betrayal' since she was okay with Alex not telling her that she worked for DEO, and Lena has plenty of secrets of her own. That's what this boils down to Lena is upset because she took something Lex, of all people, said at face value. So much for logic.
Also apparently Lena was going to expose that Kara is Supergirl? What is that supposed to accomplish? (Other than prove to the world that Kara not telling her was the correct decision, since she clearly can't be trusted)
I hope she gets better because Lena kinda sucks now.
Don't assume malice when stupidity is an adequate explanation. At least, not the first time.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 11
Maybe on Kara’s Earth her new boss can unilaterally rewrite a contract, but not on this one. Any of the CatCo employees who walked (and that should include Kara) would be able to get another journalism gig in a heartbeat.
I didn't bring this (or a couple of other plot points) up, because I was such a stickler for stuff like this last year. I fear I stepped on some toes.

Suffice it to say at this point, I believe that while the writer's room has immense aptitude for character-based drama, their collective talent does not necessarily extend to logic, consistency, or real-world applicability.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 12
@LibertyPrime: Re; Previous post. 100% agree. Talented, but not structurally cohesive. And certainly not rigorous or real-world astute in application.
@rachelrr: Re; Your post: Good to see your musings again.

@rachelrr: Re; Your post: Good to see your musings again.

"The Hits Keep Coming" - Rick Estrin And The Nightcats, from the Download/LP/CD, The Hits Keep Coming. (2024)
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 13
Maybe on Kara’s Earth her new boss can unilaterally rewrite a contract, but not on this one. Any of the CatCo employees who walked (and that should include Kara) would be able to get another journalism gig in a heartbeat.
My guess is that the new boss is using the same clause that Cat did in season 1 when she forced Leslie Willis to become a traffic reporter. It's odd that the contracts reporters have would be the same as entertainment.
There must be other ways to get around this issue even if this is enforceable. Perhaps Supergirl and Dreamer can boycott CatCo Magazine, refusing to give interviews to a publication that no longer values journalistic integrity. They can also chose another publication to give exclusives to. It may true that Kara Danvers and Nia Nal can't have a newsblog (see season 2), but there is no reason why Supergirl and Dreamer can't. In the mean time they can wait out their contract.
Also shouldn't the fact that National City's newspaper of record (see season 2), was bought by a social media company, spark some controversy on it's own? Especially if CatCo goes from hard-hitting journalism to click-bait overnight? Wouldn't Lena get some flack for selling it to a social media company.
Don't assume malice when stupidity is an adequate explanation. At least, not the first time.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 14
Also shouldn't the fact that National City's newspaper of record (see season 2), was bought by a social media company, spark some controversy on it's own? Especially if CatCo goes from hard-hitting journalism to click-bait overnight? Wouldn't Lena get some flack for selling it to a social media company.
Andrea should fear the wrath of Cat Grant! I have hopes that Cat will someday re-take her namesake company and promote Kara to editor-in-chief. That scenario may fit with Calista's life, allowing for an occasional appearance.
It will also be interesting to see how the William Dey character develops. Right now I think he is another person who Kara would like to fling into space (Siobhan Smythe being the other), but time will tell.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 15
Light on the political heavy handedness and more with the action adventure. I can start watching the show again regularly if it continues like this.
I really do hope the two ladies mend fences. Hate to see Lena just be out right evil. Product of her upbringing I guess. One too many betrayals.
Good to be able to feel invested in these characters.
I got misty when Kara told Lena her identity. I admit it.
Don’t judge me! ?
I really do hope the two ladies mend fences. Hate to see Lena just be out right evil. Product of her upbringing I guess. One too many betrayals.
Good to be able to feel invested in these characters.
I got misty when Kara told Lena her identity. I admit it.
Don’t judge me! ?
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 16
Mostly spoiler free screener secrets from Hypable for Blurred Lines. The author thinks it’s “much stronger than the previous episode...”. There’s also an interview with Azie who says Kelly doesn’t know Kara is Supergirl.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 17
As far as contracts, I just saw it as new contracts were signed thinking Lena was still the owner and as many do before signing a contract they didnt read the fine print.
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 18
Another question I have is how is James putting on the Guardian suit and not getting arrested?
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 19
As a minor aside: Suppose the villain is the Evil Stapler Lord, armed with a giant staple gun. The giant 6" staples are used to attack Kara to a wall,.namely they are large that they enter the wall on each side of her wrists, not breaking her skin, but nailing her in place.
Supergirl can perhaps lift a million tons. She can certainly pick up an automobile and toss it. The staples do not hold her in place. If she pulls even very gently, it is the wall sections where the staples went in that pull out of the wall If the wall section is battleship armor, it bends until it tears.
Supergirl can perhaps lift a million tons. She can certainly pick up an automobile and toss it. The staples do not hold her in place. If she pulls even very gently, it is the wall sections where the staples went in that pull out of the wall If the wall section is battleship armor, it bends until it tears.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 20
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