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  3. Supergirl Season 4
  4. Monday, 18 June 2018
Been thinking like anyone would do after a big finale like this. If showrunners are looking to do an alternate troubled version of Supergirl, why not Red Lantern Supergirl. Red Son is a Superman story. But if they go that way maybe they could merge the storyline. Red Son Kara could be so angry that she gets a Red Lantern ring. Then you have Red Son Supergirl with a Red Lantern Ribg versus Supergirl with a Legion Ring. That is a showdown I’d watch!
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
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I'm one who would be okay with Kara getting a new suit but, if this is what they've come up with as an upgrade then, no. Stick with the original. This combination NFL/Robocop/PowerRanger suit is ridiculous.

Ok. So. Question....

If they're going with Red Son/Red Daughter and nature vs. nurture... how's that concept gonna work? Wasn't she created when Supergirl, Reign, and Sam all touched the Hara Nel (spelling??) at the same time; and thus, the new Kara is already grown up and didn't actually grow up in Russia? Would it possibly mean the Hara Nel didn't split Kara or create a new Kara, but simply brought the new Kara from a different earth? Or... could this have actually happened from Kara's time travel?
Good questions to which we don't have answers. I do think the Russian Kara is due to the haron el not time travel because we saw the smoke both when our Kara touched the haron el and when the second Kara appears. I'm trying to find a source but I seem to remember reading somewhere that Jessica Queller used the term "blank slate Kara". Total speculation but what if the second Kara is a clone created when our Kara touched the haron el and she has our Kara's core personality but no memories. Kinda like someone with severe amnesia.
If it's a nature vs. nurture concept, I don't know that the Russian Kara would even have a personality as there is a debate that personality may be developed through environment, too. If a blank slate is what Queller stated, then my prediction is that this Kara is equivalent to a newborn and that the plan is for the show to use the two Kara's to depict the difference in attitude, beliefs, approach and personality of a person who is imprinted by an rigid, authoritarian type environment and one that has been raised in a more open, democratic type environment. Kind of like a twin-study in psychology.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 4
  3. # 41
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I also am tired of Alex's new look, she always looks wet to me.:)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 4
  3. # 42
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I also am tired of Alex's new look, she always looks wet to me.:)

Put in on my list of "Yet, ANOTHER Reason I Miss Season 1": Alex's hair.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 4
  3. # 43
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Here’s an interview Melissa did with Deadline . One noteworthy thing she said is she thinks the main premise of what the writers are going for is that fear itself is a villain, and can hope conquer it. I agree with that, as we found out with Psi fear is a powerful emotion that can cause people to do things they otherwise wouldn’t. In season one I think Max Lord’s main motivation was fear of aliens especially ones with great powers like Kryptonians.

As humans I think on some primal level we fear those who are different from us and what we perceive as “normal”. It served a purpose as a survival mechanism for our ancient ancestors but in our time has become the source of many problems.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 4
  3. # 44
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