Good morning everyone,
Its been a few days since we've gotten our new site up and things seem to be going ok so far. We've made a few changes and are continuing to get suggestions from you on improvements we can make. So first, we wanted to say thank you all for that!
Secondly, we are curious what everyone things of the character rankings on the character pages. Do you agree with the power-levels of the characters? We think this could be a lot of fun to discuss. Check it out if you get a chance.
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- Thursday, 12 January 2017
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
8 for Alex even with the Exo thingy is way too high in my opinion.....the reason she was able to go toe to toe was the fact that the Kryptonite weakened Kara even before Alex puts in a no way she is an 8 and Kara is 10....exo-skeleton or not. She is at the most 5 with it on compared to Kara's 10 as far as "strength". And as was just mentioned with Ft. Rozz, the Nuclear Submarine, I probably wouldn't even put Alex at a 2 compared to Kara's 10. I would put James at no more than a 3.What about Metallo? Metallo was knocked around by Alex in her suit and he's pretty darn strong too.
He really wasn't though...she got some shots in, but he beat the crap out of her before Kara took him over the cement wall to the alley. Even James could stay off Alex with the shield, hell he did with me on that scale, Mon-el would be an 8, no human would be more than a 2 or 3 at the most. Honestly, I'm not sure as far as "strength" I would even put a human on the scale. NOW, in other areas, sure Alex would definitely be fairly high with her training....but strength? more than a 2 IMO....and that is pushing it for me.
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- more than a month ago
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- # 1
8 for Alex even with the Exo thingy is way too high in my opinion.....the reason she was able to go toe to toe was the fact that the Kryptonite weakened Kara even before Alex puts in a no way she is an 8 and Kara is 10....exo-skeleton or not. She is at the most 5 with it on compared to Kara's 10 as far as "strength". And as was just mentioned with Ft. Rozz, the Nuclear Submarine, I probably wouldn't even put Alex at a 2 compared to Kara's 10. I would put James at no more than a 3.What about Metallo? Metallo was knocked around by Alex in her suit and he's pretty darn strong too.
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
- more than a month ago
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- # 2
8 for Alex even with the Exo thingy is way too high in my opinion.....the reason she was able to go toe to toe was the fact that the Kryptonite weakened Kara even before Alex puts in a no way she is an 8 and Kara is 10....exo-skeleton or not. She is at the most 5 with it on compared to Kara's 10 as far as "strength". And as was just mentioned with Ft. Rozz, the Nuclear Submarine, I probably wouldn't even put Alex at a 2 compared to Kara's 10. I would put James at no more than a 3.
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- more than a month ago
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- # 3
Lena as a regular should be moved to primary characters while Maggie, and as much as it pains me to say it Cat should be moved to secondary characters. What about President Marsdin.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
- more than a month ago
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- # 4
NO offense meant but the ratings are way off base. Lets just look at the first two For example, Supergirl is a 10 for strentgh and Alex is an 8? Really? So Alex and lift 80% of what Supergirl can? Considering SG lifted Fort Roz which at the very very least was well over 10 tons, that would mean Alex could lift at least 8 tons. No human should realistically be over 4 with strong males being 4 and strong females being 3.I replied on the news section but I can do so as well here. That rating is because Alex wears a Kryptonite powered exo-skeleton suit that gives her powers. Powers that are necessary to go toe-to-toe with her sister. She would have to be an 8 to even give a blow to Supergirl. Let alone Metallo who isn't weakened by Kryptonite.
Alex has mad fighting skills and that should be higher and also help compensate against strong opponents.
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
- more than a month ago
- Site Messages/Maintenance
- # 5
NO offense meant but the ratings are way off base. Lets just look at the first two For example, Supergirl is a 10 for strentgh and Alex is an 8? Really? So Alex and lift 80% of what Supergirl can? Considering SG lifted Fort Roz which at the very very least was well over 10 tons, that would mean Alex could lift at least 8 tons. No human should realistically be over 4 with strong males being 4 and strong females being 3.
Alex has mad fighting skills and that should be higher and also help compensate against strong opponents.
Alex has mad fighting skills and that should be higher and also help compensate against strong opponents.
- more than a month ago
- Site Messages/Maintenance
- # 6
Added some compression algorithms that should speed up the site a bit. There is a chance that it might mess something up however so if you guys experience any errors please let me know via the contact page.
You will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.
- more than a month ago
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- # 7
After last nights episode I think Maggie's intelligence needs to be bumped up one. She figured out Kara=Supergirl almost as fast as Cat but with considerably less interaction with Kara.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
- more than a month ago
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- # 8
The intelligence scores seem to be a bit off. Particularly James (4). There is no way he has a score that low. He strikes me as having average, or maybe the high end of average intelligence. So I give him a 6 or a 7.
Also, Cat shouldn't have a higher score than Alex. If anything Alex would be a bit higher given that she is considered an "expert in Alien biology" She's only 27. The fact that she is considered an expert in any academic field is impressive.
Also J'onn's score should be higher. He seems to be at least on par with Kara if not smarter.
James had a chance with Jenna Dewan Tatum and Melissa Benoist and blew it with both of them, 4 seems way to high

- more than a month ago
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- # 9
The intelligence scores seem to be a bit off. Particularly James (4). There is no way he has a score that low. He strikes me as having average, or maybe the high end of average intelligence. So I give him a 6 or a 7.
Also, Cat shouldn't have a higher score than Alex. If anything Alex would be a bit higher given that she is considered an "expert in Alien biology" She's only 27. The fact that she is considered an expert in any academic field is impressive.
Also J'onn's score should be higher. He seems to be at least on par with Kara if not smarter.
Also, Cat shouldn't have a higher score than Alex. If anything Alex would be a bit higher given that she is considered an "expert in Alien biology" She's only 27. The fact that she is considered an expert in any academic field is impressive.
Also J'onn's score should be higher. He seems to be at least on par with Kara if not smarter.
Don't assume malice when stupidity is an adequate explanation. At least, not the first time.
- more than a month ago
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- # 10
"still not sure why you are connecting her getting knocked back with her strength."
Not really strength, but more vulnerabilty.......I guess I could see Kara being knocked back a few feet by a small bomb like Toyman's, but not all the way to the ground. It seemed like she was supposed to have passed out momentarily as a result of the explosion, even though it wasn't very powerful.(The "wall of ice" that Kara created was enough to contain it and protect the people in the room.) On the other hand, Max Lord's bomb (that went off over the ocean) was much larger, so I could easily see her being knocked unconscious by that one.
I've really tried to be as consistent as possible regarding Kara's strength and vulnerability in my fan-fiction stories, so maybe this is just something that I'm particularly attentive to.
Not really strength, but more vulnerabilty.......I guess I could see Kara being knocked back a few feet by a small bomb like Toyman's, but not all the way to the ground. It seemed like she was supposed to have passed out momentarily as a result of the explosion, even though it wasn't very powerful.(The "wall of ice" that Kara created was enough to contain it and protect the people in the room.) On the other hand, Max Lord's bomb (that went off over the ocean) was much larger, so I could easily see her being knocked unconscious by that one.
I've really tried to be as consistent as possible regarding Kara's strength and vulnerability in my fan-fiction stories, so maybe this is just something that I'm particularly attentive to.
- more than a month ago
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- # 11
right with the sound not disorienting her, she was able to brace herself. I think the toyman episode was as you said more writing convenience but not so much for plot but for variation. Until that episode she had only used her super breath in episode 2 (and poorly at that), so I think they were simply looking to mix in her super breath albeit poorly executed by the writers.
still not sure why you are connecting her getting knocked back with her strength.
still not sure why you are connecting her getting knocked back with her strength.
- more than a month ago
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- # 12
This is a fun exercise during an interminable hiatus; thanks for posting. It is interesting to see all the opinions and rationales, pro and con. For my 2 cents worth, I agree that Kara's strength level has been inconsistently portrayed, but some of the reasons posted here provide justification for that. In any case, it's at least a 10. I also agree that both Kara and Alex should be rated higher in intelligence. I think in Season 2 Kara is demonstrating a higher intellect than in Season 1, and she has been described as smart by none other than Cat Grant, which is good enough for me.
- more than a month ago
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- # 13
Well, maybe we just agree to disagree on the strength level then. I still think Kara should have been easily able to fly out of the quicksand. There was no reason for her to restrain herself in that scene, since nobody was going to be hurt as a result of her breaking free ofthe quicksand. And Kara knew that Toyman's bombs were about to go off, so she should have been prepared for thet. (I just think that the writers have been sacrificing consistency (in both strength level and vulnerabllity) to the demands of the plot.
Also, in the Worlds' Finest episode, the second time that Silver Banshee screamed at Kara, she had the special earplugs provided by Barry in place. I thought that that was why she wasn't affected by the scream then.
Also, in the Worlds' Finest episode, the second time that Silver Banshee screamed at Kara, she had the special earplugs provided by Barry in place. I thought that that was why she wasn't affected by the scream then.
- more than a month ago
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- # 14
I couldnt disagree with you more on her strength level, an apparent inconsistancy is irrelevant to the fact she seemed to have no trouble lifting 2 billion pounds. Remember the world she lives in from her point of view. I would bet to her, she lives in a world made of paper and almost always has a massive amount of restraint turned on. Think that through some.
on her getting knocked back, she isnt a walking tank. For example, if I walk up to you and surprise you with a sudden two hand push, I have a solid chance of knocking you down, but if you are aware and have a chance to brace yourself my chances are not good. A great example of this is in World's Finest, the first time Banshee screams at her she gets flung back, but the final time she had a chance to brace herself and easily with stood the push back.
Now in the air while flying she has nothing to brace herself with, so she is even more susceptible to being knocked back.
on her getting knocked back, she isnt a walking tank. For example, if I walk up to you and surprise you with a sudden two hand push, I have a solid chance of knocking you down, but if you are aware and have a chance to brace yourself my chances are not good. A great example of this is in World's Finest, the first time Banshee screams at her she gets flung back, but the final time she had a chance to brace herself and easily with stood the push back.
Now in the air while flying she has nothing to brace herself with, so she is even more susceptible to being knocked back.
- more than a month ago
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- # 15
"I have met highly intelligent writers, which is what Cat is. Just because science isn’t your thing doesn’t mean you’re not smart"
Exactly - no one would ever say that Shakespeare wasn't smart! (Although he did understand quite a bit of science for his time, too
"....still they showed her (Kara) easily pick up the key to the fortress of solitude which they noted weighed 1 million tons, similar weight of fort rozz."
Yes, but the depictions of her strength have been inconsistent. It seems that when she is facing off against a weaker foe (like Toyman), she is suddenly weaker somehow. In the "Childish Things" episode, she couldn't even fly out of a vat of quicksand without freezing it first. And she also appeared to be more vulnerable than previously because a couple of Toyman's small bombs (disguised as Teddy bears) knocked her for a loop, and she fell to the floor.
Exactly - no one would ever say that Shakespeare wasn't smart! (Although he did understand quite a bit of science for his time, too

"....still they showed her (Kara) easily pick up the key to the fortress of solitude which they noted weighed 1 million tons, similar weight of fort rozz."
Yes, but the depictions of her strength have been inconsistent. It seems that when she is facing off against a weaker foe (like Toyman), she is suddenly weaker somehow. In the "Childish Things" episode, she couldn't even fly out of a vat of quicksand without freezing it first. And she also appeared to be more vulnerable than previously because a couple of Toyman's small bombs (disguised as Teddy bears) knocked her for a loop, and she fell to the floor.
- more than a month ago
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- # 16
For intelligence Kara, Alex, and Cat should all be bumped up one and Alura should be bumped down one. How is Alex not smarter than Roulette or Cyborg Superman? Alex would be as smart as her dad but not her mom. As for Cat you can’t build a media empire without being super smart. I have met highly intelligent writers, which is what Cat is. Just because science isn’t your thing doesn’t mean you’re not smart. That would make Cat, Winn, Lena, Eliza, Max, and Zor-El the smartest non-villians and that seems right. I’m not sure Lena shouldn’t be bumped down one too but I’ll leave her for now.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
- more than a month ago
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- # 17
I disagree with the strength numbers. This show's iteration of supergirl is really one of the weaker versions I have seen from the super family, and still they showed her easily pick up the key to the fortress of solitude which they noted weighed 1 million tons, similar weight of fort rozz. Alex and James combined wearing their respective suits have no shot in hell of picking up either 1.
So I think either their respective strength numbers should be dropped some, or her number really just needs to be off the chart, especially since it seemed Kara could have easily picked up quite a bit more than that 2 billion pound key.
So I think either their respective strength numbers should be dropped some, or her number really just needs to be off the chart, especially since it seemed Kara could have easily picked up quite a bit more than that 2 billion pound key.
- more than a month ago
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- # 18
However, at the end of the Reactron episode, Reactron is directing absolutely full power at her, and she stops his blast with one hand. That's her bare hand, the one covered in lead being held behind her. Kara is faster than Kal-El and I am inclined to believe she is also stronger. Note she also dealt with General Non.
- more than a month ago
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- # 19
Yes, Kara's speed would be 10 - as long as the Flash is not in the picture. In the comics, it has been stated that the Flash is the fastest of all the DC superheroes. And Melissa agreed with that statement during her MTV Puppy Challenge appearance. (I was a bit surprised that she seemed unfamiliar with Streaky, though.)
Also, I would say that LiveWire's energy blast capability is certainly equal to Kara's. LiveWire came close to killing her in the LiveWire episode, and seriously put her out of commission in the Worlds' Finest episode. But of course, LiveWire's output is electricity, while Kara's is heat vision (microwaves, according to the comics). So maybe we're trying to compare apples and oranges with this one!
Also, I would say that LiveWire's energy blast capability is certainly equal to Kara's. LiveWire came close to killing her in the LiveWire episode, and seriously put her out of commission in the Worlds' Finest episode. But of course, LiveWire's output is electricity, while Kara's is heat vision (microwaves, according to the comics). So maybe we're trying to compare apples and oranges with this one!
- more than a month ago
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- # 20
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