- brainguynyc
- Supergirl Season 3
- Monday, 05 March 2018
Okay so Supergirl can't seem to be of any help lately strength wise. It's really pathetic how her strength can't compare to the current villians' strength. I mean that scene where she is being held around the neck and struggling like a pathetic weakling is shameful. Might as well change the show's name to "GIRL".
Training is a good idea, but I feel the show’s angle isnt there. I dont think this season she’s trying to physically defeat them.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 21
It's getting real odd now that for the 90% of the existence of the show Kara is ridiculously overpowered and everything is just a walk in the park, and no one complains.
Now the show is done as it should be when the main villain is actually a challenge, and people complain?
My recollection seems to be quite different from yours. Although I agree Kara was overpowered vs the season 1 and 2 big bads, on an episode by episode basis I remember her generally getting beaten by the villain more often than not mid episode, and then just barely squeezing out a victory at the end, assuming she even saved the day at all.
I think the issue this season is that we haven't really seen her have any solid victory over the big bad(s) yet so far (although she did have a partial victory at the end of Legion of Superheros) which makes it feel like she a bit weak, vs the typical villain of the week where we see her (usually) win in the end.
Personally, I also wish they'd show more of Kara trying to train/improve herself in some way to be able to beat the world killers.
Imra: "What about Tommy and Gina? 'You live for the fight when it's all that you've got!'"
Mon El: "Bon Jovi."
Imra: "Or was that all a lie?"
Mon El: "No. He speaks the truth."
Mon El: "Bon Jovi."
Imra: "Or was that all a lie?"
Mon El: "No. He speaks the truth."
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 22
"I think Kara's power level is just fine, to me the Super in Supergirl doesn't relate to her fighting ability or overpowering her enemies it relates to her Superheroics (the ability to do what we as humans can't) and to her heart for other people and seeing the good in them. "
Oh. I agree that Kara's power level in the TV show is just fine. But it is lower than in the comics and the movies. On the show, we've seen that Kara can't fly in space or swim underwater indefinitely, because she needs oxygen (unlike in the comics). Also, her super-strength on TV sometimes seems closer to Hercules or Samson than the extreme levels of the comic-book stories. (In the Red-Faced episode, she punched a car and knocked pieces of it across the room, but it didn't end up 20 miles away, as it likely would have in the comics.)And on TV, Kara is vulnerable to things besides kryptonite, red sunlight, and "magic" (however one wishes to define it). In Season 1, Max Lord knocked her out cold with nothing more sophisticated than an especially large conventional bomb that was apparently similar to a MOAB. Then she fell into the ocean, and appeared to be in danger of drowning. That would never have happened in the comics or in the movie (which is why I said she and Superman were overpowered there).
P.S. - By the way, "MOAB" actually stands for "Massive Ordnance Air Burst". ("Mother Of All Bombs" is just a military slang term.)
Oh. I agree that Kara's power level in the TV show is just fine. But it is lower than in the comics and the movies. On the show, we've seen that Kara can't fly in space or swim underwater indefinitely, because she needs oxygen (unlike in the comics). Also, her super-strength on TV sometimes seems closer to Hercules or Samson than the extreme levels of the comic-book stories. (In the Red-Faced episode, she punched a car and knocked pieces of it across the room, but it didn't end up 20 miles away, as it likely would have in the comics.)And on TV, Kara is vulnerable to things besides kryptonite, red sunlight, and "magic" (however one wishes to define it). In Season 1, Max Lord knocked her out cold with nothing more sophisticated than an especially large conventional bomb that was apparently similar to a MOAB. Then she fell into the ocean, and appeared to be in danger of drowning. That would never have happened in the comics or in the movie (which is why I said she and Superman were overpowered there).
P.S. - By the way, "MOAB" actually stands for "Massive Ordnance Air Burst". ("Mother Of All Bombs" is just a military slang term.)
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 23
You know, I just don't think that "Girl" emits the same vibe as "Supergirl" does. I mean, if we called it "Girl" then how would we distinguish between Kara, who can: fly, lift items like Ft. Rozz into space , stop bullets, put out fires with her breath, and shoot lasers out of her eyes - and other girls who can't do any of those things? Plus, what do we do about that "S" emblem on her chest? We surely would have to remove it and then, what? Do we put a "G" on there instead? And what would that represent? The "S" represented "Stronger Together", would the "G" represent "Going at it Alone"? And can you imagine the havoc that would be wreaked upon the DC and CW marketing department from such an action, not to mention the backlash that would be incurred from those who have bought Supergirl memorabilia?
Nope, I think that it would be best for everyone if we stick with Supergirl. Yes, she may be inconsistent with her powers at times but, she's still pretty super
Btw, welcome to the site, Brainguynyc and hopefully you will be able to find something positive about the show to add to our forums, too!
Nope, I think that it would be best for everyone if we stick with Supergirl. Yes, she may be inconsistent with her powers at times but, she's still pretty super

Btw, welcome to the site, Brainguynyc and hopefully you will be able to find something positive about the show to add to our forums, too!
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 24
It's getting real odd now that for the 90% of the existence of the show Kara is ridiculously overpowered and everything is just a walk in the park, and no one complains.
Now the show is done as it should be when the main villain is actually a challenge, and people complain?
I think that's just because Supergirl and Superman were always "ridiculously overpowered" in the comics (and the movies). (Their only weaknesses were kryptonite, red sunlight, and "magic".) So that's what people expected to see on the TV show. But in reality, a lower power level is better in my opinion, because it adds more dramatic tension to the plots.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 25
It's getting real odd now that for the 90% of the existence of the show Kara is ridiculously overpowered and everything is just a walk in the park, and no one complains.
Now the show is done as it should be when the main villain is actually a challenge, and people complain?
Now the show is done as it should be when the main villain is actually a challenge, and people complain?
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 26
I think it's a good plot device to have opponents that can overpower Supergirl physically without using kryptonite, red sunlight, or "magic". This way the show are avoiding the overuse of kryptonite, which really got kind of ridiculous in "Smallville".
Lena needs to invent a Solarmight*...errh, Ultrasolar ray..laser, and zap Kara with it to power her up, a lot. Kara could also use sparring against another Kryptonian, to emphasize things like superspeed to get many more punches in, heat vision while swinging, etc.
*2 points for identifying who invented the solarmight bomb.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 27
I think this thread should be deleted. I dont think feeding trolls is something we should do here
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 28
In her defence.... they ARE World Killers, and Supergirl can't defeat them in the comic books, either. In fact, only a World Killer can kill a World Killer.
But we HAVE had a few discussions, as of late, that Kara really needs to be training. Still swinging wide. lol
P. S... You just posted for the first time and this is what you choose as a first comment? *sniff sniff* Is that troll I smell?
If not, jjjjuusstt checking. And... Welcome to the crew.
Now, be nice.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 29
I think it's a good plot device to have opponents that can overpower Supergirl physically without using kryptonite, red sunlight, or "magic". This way the show is avoiding the overuse of kryptonite, which really got kind of ridiculous in "Smallville".
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 30
Okay so Supergirl can't seem to be of any help lately strength wise. It's really pathetic how her strength can't compare to the current villians' strength. I mean that scene where she is being held around the neck and struggling like a pathetic weakling is shameful. Might as well change the show's name to "GIRL".
Hmmm....I'm thinking you don't know much about the worldkillers....
And really.....ya could have put this in the already created Kara/Supergirl thread. Yeah....
Profile Pic by https://twitter.com/samayerswrites
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 31
I myself think that strength is only one of the attributes of a superhero. Firstly, it depends how strength is used. There are countless examples of people using their undoubted strength for ill, and Reign is a good example of that.
Of course, physical strength is an important facet of Supergirl. But for me, it is also her unending support for others, her insistence on trying to do the right thing, and her demonstration that hope trumps fear that makes her the real hero for me.
I am, like many people, looking forward to climatic fisticuffs at the end, but let Supergirl's undoubted victory be underpinned by her other heroic qualities too.
Of course, physical strength is an important facet of Supergirl. But for me, it is also her unending support for others, her insistence on trying to do the right thing, and her demonstration that hope trumps fear that makes her the real hero for me.
I am, like many people, looking forward to climatic fisticuffs at the end, but let Supergirl's undoubted victory be underpinned by her other heroic qualities too.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 32
Okay so Supergirl can't seem to be of any help lately strength wise. It's really pathetic how her strength can't compare to the current villians' strength. I mean that scene where she is being held around the neck and struggling like a pathetic weakling is shameful. Might as well change the show's name to "GIRL".
It's pretty much standard operating procedure for the hero to get severely beaten down by the villain in some way mid-season. The Flash and Arrow also do this almost every season, to a greater or lesser degree. It makes the story more interesting. gives the character a huge obstacle to overcome, and provides them the opportunity to be a hero in the end.
At least Supergirl put up a good fight and got some good hits in, unlike Barry in The Flash seasons 2 and 3 who just got steam rolled, and Oliver in Arrow season 3 who couldn't even hit Ra's at all before being 'killed'.
Edit: After re-watching the scene, Oliver did get *one* hit in on Ra's at the very end. Not that it mattered much.
Imra: "What about Tommy and Gina? 'You live for the fight when it's all that you've got!'"
Mon El: "Bon Jovi."
Imra: "Or was that all a lie?"
Mon El: "No. He speaks the truth."
Mon El: "Bon Jovi."
Imra: "Or was that all a lie?"
Mon El: "No. He speaks the truth."
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 33
A have to agree with those commenting. It's a treat to see Supergirl face villains she can't easily overpower. It provides some much needed tension. It infuriated me to no end, how many times Supergirl easily overpowered her enemies. Or even worse, how often an enemy would initially overpower Supergirl, but would then be chased off by the DEO, who were equipped with normal firearms. Made no sense, as if they could overpower Supergirl, then firearms should be useless.
This season, Kara hasn't been saved by the DEO and their normal guns, even once. And Supergirl is finally facing enemies that can overpower her without any tricks, like using red sunlight or kryptonite.
I personally feel like the stakes have never been higher, and I really dig it.
This season, Kara hasn't been saved by the DEO and their normal guns, even once. And Supergirl is finally facing enemies that can overpower her without any tricks, like using red sunlight or kryptonite.
I personally feel like the stakes have never been higher, and I really dig it.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 34
Kara just spent two seasons essentially taking down the arc "big bads" (Non and Rhea) by overpowering them in physical confrontations, lifting a million-ton space station, and blasting an evil Kryptonian with her heat vision. Not to mention numerous lesser baddies punched out and overcome by her superpowers, strength of will, and a bit of tactics.
Now, finally, she's up against multiple enhanced Kryptonians she can't just beat down. I'd say that's the actual measure of a hero: what do you do when you are up against an actual, mortal threat? How do you face it?
That's actually more interesting than Kara rounding up a bunch of bank robbers who can't even muss her hair with a frickin' rocket launcher.
Now, finally, she's up against multiple enhanced Kryptonians she can't just beat down. I'd say that's the actual measure of a hero: what do you do when you are up against an actual, mortal threat? How do you face it?
That's actually more interesting than Kara rounding up a bunch of bank robbers who can't even muss her hair with a frickin' rocket launcher.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 35
In her defence.... they ARE World Killers, and Supergirl can't defeat them in the comic books, either. In fact, only a World Killer can kill a World Killer.
But we HAVE had a few discussions, as of late, that Kara really needs to be training. Still swinging wide. lol
P. S... You just posted for the first time and this is what you choose as a first comment? *sniff sniff* Is that troll I smell?
If not, jjjjuusstt checking. And... Welcome to the crew.
But we HAVE had a few discussions, as of late, that Kara really needs to be training. Still swinging wide. lol
P. S... You just posted for the first time and this is what you choose as a first comment? *sniff sniff* Is that troll I smell?
If not, jjjjuusstt checking. And... Welcome to the crew.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl Season 3
- # 36
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