As many of you know, Greek Mythology has had a significant place in DC comics lore, especially in the Wonder Woman comics and in the DC Extended Universe.
In the “Arrowverse” we got our first taste of that when in DC’s Legends of Tomorrow (Helen Hunt – S3, E6), Zari relocated Helen of Troy to the island of Themyscira (home of the Amazons and the birthplace of Wonder Woman herself).
I for one would like to see the Olympian Gods introduced into the “Arrowverse” starting with Ares, God of War, as a main antagonist on Supergirl and/or in a CW DC Crossover!
In the past, Supergirl (and/or the D.E.O.) have dealt with superpowered aliens (Non, Rhea, Reign), metahumans (Psi), clever humans (Lillian Luthor, Morgan Edge, Mercy Graves), and her doppelgangers (Bizarro, Overgirl, Russian Kara). An ancient, powerful divine being like The God of War would be a brand new challenge for Supergirl and the D.E.O. (and/or Team Arrow, Team Flash, and The Legends in a Crossover).
Ares’ introduction would also bring in the rest or some of the Olympian Gods (e.g., Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Athena, Hermes, Apollo), Titans who were not sent to Tartarus (e.g., Prometheus, Helios, Oceanus) (Demigods (e.g., Hercules, Perseus), famous monsters of Greek Mythology (e.g., The Kraken, The Minotaur, Cerberus), and introduce Mount Olympus itself. Can you imagine Supergirl, Alex, J’onn (as well as Oliver, Barry, and Sara) on Mount Olympus?
My idea for the "Arrowverse" version of Ares: He's grown intensely hateful and spiteful of mankind and intends to eliminate them all throughout The Multiverse with Pandora’s Box, which is in fact, an ancient alien WMD that somehow landed somewhere in ancient Greece and was recovered by the Titan Epimetheus, twin brother of Prometheus.
Ares would also be joined and aided by his sons Deimos (God of Terror), Phobos (God of Fear), and his daughter Eris (Goddess of Strife & Discord).
Helping Supergirl and the D.E.O. (and/or Team Arrow, Team Flash, and the Legends) fight Ares are his sister Athena (Goddess of wisdom, handicraft, warfare) and brother Hermes (Messenger of the gods). Giving them helpful advice and wisdom, fighting by their side, and regaling them with stories about their involvement in important events in human history and meeting famous historical figures.
So, what do you think?
- OmarJT82
- Supergirl General Discussion
- Wednesday, 31 October 2018
"It's great that you have so many in an honors course. Sounds like you have a strong STEM program being developed."
Yes, we have a medical academy (a "work/study program" in collaboration with area hospital staff members) and also an engineering academy. I have students from both academies in my chemistry and physics classes. It's kind of strange to look out over the class and see all of the nursing students in their medical scrubs! (The engineering academy students go to robotics competitions at area colleges.)
Yes, we have a medical academy (a "work/study program" in collaboration with area hospital staff members) and also an engineering academy. I have students from both academies in my chemistry and physics classes. It's kind of strange to look out over the class and see all of the nursing students in their medical scrubs! (The engineering academy students go to robotics competitions at area colleges.)
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 1 classes are larger than ever (34 in an honors chemistry class!).It's great that you have so many in an honors course. Sounds like you have a strong STEM program being developed.
"The Supergirl Team Meets King Arthur and His Knights" - I do like the sound of that! Guess I'll have to brush up on my Elizabethan English....Get the streamlined version - so much easier to follow

- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 2
"Like I said, I usually envision things in a more darker tone but, I also like your idea, too."
Thanks! I'm planning to write this screenplay myself, too - as soon as I can find the time. The school-age population of Florida is growing by leaps and bounds, and my classes are larger than ever (34 in an honors chemistry class!). But we have an entire week off for Thanksgiving this year, so I'm sure I'll be able to get it done then
"The Supergirl Team Meets King Arthur and His Knights" - I do like the sound of that! Guess I'll have to brush up on my Elizabethan English....
Thanks! I'm planning to write this screenplay myself, too - as soon as I can find the time. The school-age population of Florida is growing by leaps and bounds, and my classes are larger than ever (34 in an honors chemistry class!). But we have an entire week off for Thanksgiving this year, so I'm sure I'll be able to get it done then

"The Supergirl Team Meets King Arthur and His Knights" - I do like the sound of that! Guess I'll have to brush up on my Elizabethan English....
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 3
Or ... how about reversing the scenario! King Arthur and his entourage are magically transported into downtown National City in 2018! Now there's an opportunity for some great "fish out of water" comical situationsThis would be a lighter take on it than I envisioned. But, it sounds like a pretty solid sketch of how a historical Arthur and crew could be integrated into the current society.![]()
Here's how I envision it:
King Arthur, Merlin, and his knights are in hot pursuit of the evil enchantress Morgana in the forests of "Merrie Olde England". When they begin to close in on her, Morgana attempts to magically transport herself away to a distant realm (a la Dr. Strange). But due to Merlin's simultaneous "white magic" spell, it all goes wrong, and the whole lot of them end up in downtown National City right in the middle of the late-afternoon rush hour, causing all sorts of havoc. King Arthur & company then proceed to walk into Noonan's Restaurant and attempt to order roast pheasant and venison - which they offer to pay for with now-priceless antique gold coins! ...
I have a tendency to lean a bit more dark when I think of possible scenarios. I see it as, perhaps not Arthur himself but, rather someone from his lineage that learns about his/her connection with Arthur. After researching his/her history, he/she attempts to create a similar group to help the disenfranchised of today's society. With access to modern technology, this group has worldwide influence and is integrated throughout all different levels and aspects of society. Perhaps, they are even able to resurrect Merlin who provides the magical power that they use to fight tyranny and oppression. There would also be a character such as Morgan or someone like her to lead a, just as influential, opposing group that uses black magic as their source of weaponry. My mind also starts spinning about having some type of modern day grail, maybe even tie it into a belief of Kara as a god that entails some type of sacrifice that, of course, has to end up eventually with a resurrection

Like I said, I usually envision things in a more darker tone but, I also like your idea, too.
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 4
"King Arthur would be interesting but, I think I would rather see a modern day version of him, his court and Merlin than have Kara go back into time. I'm not a big medieval fan - too much of a damsel in distress and devaluation of women time period for my liking
Or ... how about reversing the scenario! King Arthur and his entourage are magically transported into downtown National City in 2018! Now there's an opportunity for some great "fish out of water" comical situations
Here's how I envision it:
King Arthur, Merlin, and his knights are in hot pursuit of the evil enchantress Morgana in the forests of "Merrie Olde England". When they begin to close in on her, Morgana attempts to magically transport herself away to a distant realm (a la Dr. Strange). But due to Merlin's simultaneous "white magic" spell, it all goes wrong, and the whole lot of them end up in downtown National City right in the middle of the late-afternoon rush hour, causing all sorts of havoc. King Arthur & company then proceed to walk into Noonan's Restaurant and attempt to order (in Elizabethan English) roast pheasant and venison - which they offer to pay for with now-priceless antique gold coins!
But evil Morgana soon starts causing trouble, so Supergirl attempts to come to the rescue ("save the day"
. When Arthur and Merlin spot Kara flying towards them, they of course assume she is some sort of evil witch (though they are puzzled as to how she can fly without her broom!). Merlin pulls out his magic wand and directs a barrage of white-magic spells at Kara. This causes Kara to begin spinning wildly out of control and careening off of nearby buildings - before losing her powers all together and falling roughly to the ground. Just then, Alex and Brainy arrive in their DEO van. The misunderstandings are soon cleared up, and both King Arthur's contingent and the Supergirl Team realize that they are both on the same side, and fighting enemies that have much in common. Kara, Alex, Brainy, Arthur and Merlin head back to the DEO building, and collaborate on a plan to "smoke out" Morgana and bring her to justice. At first, everything proceeds according to plan.. But when King Arthur's entourage and the Supergirl team finally spot Morgana and being to close in on her, she reactivates the magic spell that brought her into the 21st century. King Arthur and his knights are also swept up in the "time warp" and carried back to medieval England. Morgana slips away into the forests again, and King Arthur's contingent simply heads back to home to their comfortable castle in Camelot. Meanwhile, Lena and Brainy are poring over the magic amulet that Merlin gave them, so that they could keep in contact (and possibly summon Merlin back to the 21st century, if need be).

Or ... how about reversing the scenario! King Arthur and his entourage are magically transported into downtown National City in 2018! Now there's an opportunity for some great "fish out of water" comical situations

Here's how I envision it:
King Arthur, Merlin, and his knights are in hot pursuit of the evil enchantress Morgana in the forests of "Merrie Olde England". When they begin to close in on her, Morgana attempts to magically transport herself away to a distant realm (a la Dr. Strange). But due to Merlin's simultaneous "white magic" spell, it all goes wrong, and the whole lot of them end up in downtown National City right in the middle of the late-afternoon rush hour, causing all sorts of havoc. King Arthur & company then proceed to walk into Noonan's Restaurant and attempt to order (in Elizabethan English) roast pheasant and venison - which they offer to pay for with now-priceless antique gold coins!
But evil Morgana soon starts causing trouble, so Supergirl attempts to come to the rescue ("save the day"

- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 5
I would really like to see Greek gods, or any of the old folk gods or magic and witchcraft in SG. Even if it is not a season long arc and just a couple of episodes.I could see an arc on this - perhaps even two separate arcs with one being a Greek god that then runs into the magic and/or witchcraft arc, or vice-versa. They would have to be very careful with how they used Aphrodite, it could end up being a real eye-roller otherwise.
I don't even mind Aphrodite.. as long as she wreaks total havoc and it is limited to an episode or so.![]()
A couple of years ago, we were talking about possible time travel stories here. And someone mentioned the idea of having Kara travel back to medieval England, and come face to face with King Arthur's "knights of the round table", including Merlin (whose magic spells she would be of course vulnerable to).King Arthur would be interesting but, I think I would rather see a modern day version of him, his court and Merlin than have Kara go back into time. I'm not a big medieval fan - too much of a damsel in distress and devaluation of women time period for my liking

- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 6
Well, Supergirl already had to face Silver Banshee, who derives her powers from ancient Celtic magic. Kara also had to deal with the antics of Mr. Mxyzptlk (not a typical alien opponent).
"I would also like to see them use more mystics in the form of witchcraft and magic"
A couple of years ago, we were talking about possible time travel stories here. And someone mentioned the idea of having Kara travel back to medieval England, and come face to face with King Arthur's "knights of the round table", including Merlin (whose magic spells she would be of course vulnerable to).
"I would also like to see them use more mystics in the form of witchcraft and magic"
A couple of years ago, we were talking about possible time travel stories here. And someone mentioned the idea of having Kara travel back to medieval England, and come face to face with King Arthur's "knights of the round table", including Merlin (whose magic spells she would be of course vulnerable to).
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 7
I would really like to see Greek gods, or any of the old folk gods or magic and witchcraft in SG. Even if it is not a season long arc and just a couple of episodes.
I don't even mind Aphrodite.. as long as she wreaks total havoc and it is limited to an episode or so.
I don't even mind Aphrodite.. as long as she wreaks total havoc and it is limited to an episode or so.

- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 8
This is very ironic because I was thinking the other day about what kind of villain, outside of the regular aliens and radical humans, the show could have and the Olympian Gods actually crossed my mind - not in as great of detail that you have come up with though
. At one time last season, I wondered if that was the direction they might go with Reign and the World Killers. I definitely think the Gods as villains could be a great opportunity, if done correctly.
I don't watch the other CW shows but, I would be interesting in seeing a season with Ares and his crew wrecking havoc in the world. The fact that some see Kara as a type of god could also be explored in a parallel story.
They definitely would be a formidable bunch with many avenues available to integrate them into a plot. Just as long as they keep Aphrodite out of the mix - not interested in seeing more of what she would bring
I would also like to see them use more mystics in the form of witchcraft and magic. M

I don't watch the other CW shows but, I would be interesting in seeing a season with Ares and his crew wrecking havoc in the world. The fact that some see Kara as a type of god could also be explored in a parallel story.
They definitely would be a formidable bunch with many avenues available to integrate them into a plot. Just as long as they keep Aphrodite out of the mix - not interested in seeing more of what she would bring

I would also like to see them use more mystics in the form of witchcraft and magic. M
- more than a month ago
- Supergirl General Discussion
- # 9
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