1. comic fan
  2. Love Fool Sherlock Holmes The Voice
  3. Supergirl Season 6
  4. Thursday, 28 October 2021
EW has done a big new interview with Melissa about the end of Supergirl.Really worth a look.

The big thing that has me thrilled is that she doesn't think she's done with Supergirl.After a break,she thinks she'll be back and is very open to returning as Supergirl for guest appearances.It sounds like she would really love to work with Grant,Tyler and Bitsy again.:D

"I would say the end goal is to really come to terms with her powers and who she is as an alien on the planet, and then who she is as a human and finding a way to embrace both of them at once," says Benoist, who believes this was the right time to say farewell to Kara. "I don't know if I was ready to say goodbye to the characters, which I think is healthy. You always want to be sad and miss something and I'm so glad I didn't have that, 'Oh my gosh. I'm so ready.' And just the feeling of wanting to throw it away and not think about it again. I definitely will miss playing the role, but I was ready for a break, personally."

That being said, she doesn't think this break will last forever and she's open to throwing on the cape again in the future. "I am not opposed to putting on the suit again and I know there probably will be opportunities to," she says. "It would have to feel right for the character and I know they would probably do it justice. I love playing with Grant Gustin. I love Tyler Hoechlin and Bitsie Tulloch on Superman & Lois. So no, I'm not opposed to it."


On her favorite memory from the Arrowverse crossovers:

"Do you know what's so funny about the crossovers is that [they were] crazy and insane and so frantic and hectic and chaotic, but I had so much fun doing them. All my memories are just of laughing with Grant and Tyler, and Stephen [Amell] — just laughing our butts off and getting so slaphappy and delirious and just having the best time. There was like an electric energy there. And one of my favorite moments too, was when Grant Gustin and I were running in a scene [during 'Crisis on Infinite Earths'], and it was a group of us, and I said, 'What if we just speed-walked, because I don't feel like running anymore?' And he speed-walked and that guy is actually abnormally fast! I've never seen anyone... It was incredible!

Again,everyone really should read this whole interview.And watch the video.

I got some very good news this morning(a medical issue that's clearing up) and Melissa being ooen to coming back down the line for guest appearances was the cherry on top.


Here's the EW video.

Accepted Answer Pending Moderation

Mickey Mantle was not great because he played hurt, we just disagree that playing hurt is the right thing to do or is what makes an athlete great. He was great because of his natural talent and the work he put in, please note it shouldn’t be necessary to push oneself to physical and mental exhaustion to be considered a hard worker. Mantel was an alcoholic and it was thought that was how he dealt with the physical pain he was in. It’s impossible to tell how much his drinking impacted his playing career, but it did cause him significant health problems later in life. Sadly we will never know what Mantel could have done if he had taken/been given the time to truly recover from his injuries instead of being encouraged to be a trouper and play through it.

I saw Ricky Henderson break the stolen base record, my dad took me out of school that day to go to that game. Among other things Ricky pushed back at the notion that playing hurt is better than not playing. He knew in the end he would steel more bases if he played healthy instead of with nagging injuries, kinda the notion of working smarter not harder. Ricky had a long successful career and is in good health today because he took care of his body and listened to it.

Hahahahahahahaha Mickey wasn't drinking to ease his pain....Billy Martin, Whitey Ford and Mickey were drinking because they were in New York City partying all night. And even with a hangover the next day Mickey would hit a couple of home runs. Because of his family history Mickey thought he would die before the age of 40 and that's why he didn't take care of himself.
And Rickey Henderson was a bum.:o Give me Paul Molitor any day of the week.

July 20,1969 "Oh My God" "The Americans Are On The Moon"
Rita Hayworth-Higher And Higher
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 21
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Quoting muckle9999: "When the Mick came up to the plate you stopped what you were doing because you didn't know what was going to happen."

Sadly I only saw Mantle in person one time. My uncle gave our family box seats for the Yankees/Twins game for my birthday, probably in 1962 or 1963. Unfortunately Mantle was in the twilight of his career, and did not start that night. He did come up as a pinchhitter late in the game though, which was a thrill. Many of us kids saw him as a hero, and I tried to make myself a switch-hitter. I can't remember what he did in the one time I saw him bat, but I can still see him in my mind's eye, standing in the box, bat cocked.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 22
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I'm not surprised she brought up The Flash as I think she is personal acquaintances with Grant Gustin. Even when she was a lot more hesitant to suggest she would be willing to play the role again, I always thought that maybe something the like series finale of Flash, she would make an exception for, because of that personal relationship.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 23
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I'm not surprised she brought up The Flash as I think she is personal acquaintances with Grant Gustin. Even when she was a lot more hesitant to suggest she would be willing to play the role again, I always thought that maybe something the like series finale of Flash, she would make an exception for, because of that personal relationship.
Melissa does indeed have a personal relationship with Grant. She and Chris were guests at Grant’s wedding, they posted pictures on IG. I might be wrong on this but I may have read that Chris and Grant were friends before Chris met Melissa.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 24
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
A very interesting article and video; thanks for posting them here! Hearing that Melissa is open to returning as Supergirl in a guest appearance is terrific news for fans and I am sure for the Arrowverse as well. It would be a real treat to see her and Grant together again, and also to appear on Superman and Lois. As far as how Supergirl ends, I've been back and forth but now am tending toward her revealing her identity while continuing to be Supergirl and a reporter in present-day National City. That is a more hopeful continuation of her story, IMO. But I have also wanted a reunion with Mon-El ever since he left, so I hope the writers can conjure up a way to make that happen too.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl Season 6
  3. # 25
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