Allow me to say first that Sexual Harassment in any kind is, as my tired mind can't think of any word to describe, is bad.
News just broke about WB suspending AK for allegations of sexual harassment over the years while executive producing several projects.
The wave of sexual harassment accusations in the entertainment industry has been ballooning as of late, ruining careers and the public judging the accused generally as guilty without being proven in court. It's quite possible the problem of sexual harassment or assault is widespread in Hollywood, and the accused stand as accused for now. Some have admitted wrongdoing, that's a different thing, but we'll have to wait and see what will come out of this. I'm sure there will be more revelations of other stars or producers of sexual misconduct. I think it was Johnny Depp who said that Hollywood is a "cesspool of that kind of behaviour" (not a direct quote).
Back to AK, love him or hate him, he's been the driving force behind the Berlanti DC franchises, including our common favorite, Supergirl. His knowledge of the DC comics properties seem to be his strongest suit. Personally I'm concerned that the shows will not be going towards the vision and roadmap he may have planned going forward. The news is unsettling.
How do you think this will impact the future of the shows? Will the suspension of Andrew K result of the shows going off the rails in story telling direction, or would just Berlanti replace him with another Executive Producer as competent or probably someone who could be much better?
Sexual Harassment is disgusting in all forms and should be dealt with zero tolerance. I am saddened to see people who work on something I enjoy have had to endure this behavior. Thankfully due to some very courageous voices it has come to light and is being dealt with. Regardless of how tempting it may be to pass around some blame; 100% of the blame goes to the creep doing this ****.
We need to all stand in solidarity with the victims so that they know they are heard, understood and supported. For those that would try and bring ship wars, character/story complaints into it; I ask you to politely STOP! Please do not hijack the stories of the brave men and women who have come forward under difficult circumstances.
We need to all stand in solidarity with the victims so that they know they are heard, understood and supported. For those that would try and bring ship wars, character/story complaints into it; I ask you to politely STOP! Please do not hijack the stories of the brave men and women who have come forward under difficult circumstances.
In my opinion, the very best thing that Berlanti could do, as far as Supergirl is concerned is bring back Ali Adler, that I think would calm much of this down for Supergirl. She seemed far more hands on with the production and I think could bring some stability. Not necessarily to take over from Queller and Rovner, but be an overall driving force.
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The writer of the original article has been online, and divulged that the complaints all came from low-level former hires, which means they had no job security to begin with. It's starting to look more and more like an opportunistic smear campaign designed to shake up things at WB-TV and Berlanti Productions, just as they're ramping up promotions for the big CW crossover event. Naturally, it's likely going to take awhile before any full details come to light on the matter.
So, because they weren't major actors/actresses or high up on the food chain, their accounts are automatically dismissed as part of a smear campaign? Victims being in some type of position of inferiority or dependence is exactly what sexual harassers count on. It's also exactly why the victim's stories go untold for years.
I don't know all the details with Kreisberg but, if there are multiple witnesses to any inappropriate behavior, that should be a huge red flag to the CW, WB, Berlanti and everyone else.
In my opinion, the very best thing that Berlanti could do, as far as Supergirl is concerned is bring back Ali Adler, that I think would calm much of this down for Supergirl. She seemed far more hands on with the production and I think could bring some stability.I liked Adler. I have no evidence of it but, I feel as though she was the driving force behind having the show focus on the sister relationship during season 1. Wasn't it Adler who created the character of Alex? I'd say that was a fairly substantial creative contribution to the show. I can also remember seeing many behind the scene photos that Adler provided of Melissa and Chyler, which gave the fans an important connection to the actresses and the show's story. It also showed what appeared to be a mutual respect between her and the actors/actresses.
I think that you are right Kelly, in that Adler would add some stability, along with strong direction for the show. I'm not sure if she is in a position to come back because wasn't the reason why she stepped away because she didn't want to take her family to Vancouver? But, if it is possible, that would get my vote (not that they care what I think

I figure they will put Sarah in his place, and shooting will go on without a hitch. Glad they immediately suspended him, that way the work can go on without distractions....moving on.
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This does not surprise me and is showing in the broader picture of things that the entertainment industry's bubble has now burst. To me it all started on the political realm of things with ABC canceling Last Man Standing despite good ratings. This is now the devolving of things in an industry that I think for many generations has been full of these assaults (The so-called Casting Couch)
Did you seriously just type that?
good grief....this has absolutely nothing to do with canceling a damn show. Give me a break.
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This certainly sounds bad. Although there is always the presumption of innocence, private companies do not require the same burden of proof as the judicial system. There is an awful lot of smoke in the air, and apparently has been for a long time. The fall of a public figure is never a pretty thing to watch, but one's first concern has got to be for the victims, then for others affected by the fallout (associates, family, friends). It is profoundly sad and totally disgusting at the same time.
As far as the effect on the show, I'd say it will be negligible. No one is indispensable, and I feel there are plenty of talented people ready to take the reins. If my experience in business is any guide, they are probably already largely responsible for the show's success. I think Supergirl will be fine.
As far as the effect on the show, I'd say it will be negligible. No one is indispensable, and I feel there are plenty of talented people ready to take the reins. If my experience in business is any guide, they are probably already largely responsible for the show's success. I think Supergirl will be fine.
Growing up in the Entertainment Industry, this unfortunately does not surprise me. I am, however, disgusted at the extent of the sexual harassment or aggression. I think this is only the tip of the iceberg and it will hit across a number of industries and politics.
The position of EP is an overarching one and it may have some brief impact. Remember though, Greg Berlanti runs the show with his partners and you can be certain that they will have a strong DC knowledge base available to them. I also believe they will find a suitable replacement who can provide valuable suggestions.
Otherwise. We are going to continue hearing more slime coming out of Hollywood and other industries.
The position of EP is an overarching one and it may have some brief impact. Remember though, Greg Berlanti runs the show with his partners and you can be certain that they will have a strong DC knowledge base available to them. I also believe they will find a suitable replacement who can provide valuable suggestions.
Otherwise. We are going to continue hearing more slime coming out of Hollywood and other industries.
A journey of 1,000 KM, begins with one step.
I hope that this incident will not affect the shows in a bad way. Like delay or at worst cancel at least for an extended time because that would be horrible and they haven`t even released if it would affect the shows yet. I honestly thought that Andrew was a good guy and he seemed nice on the screen, but I guess you never see past the mask.
I doubt it will have any visible impact to viewers. Jessica Q and Robert R are the Supergirl showrunners.. The other shows also have different showrunners. Shows get more affected when a major actor i.e. someone you see on screen in every episode faces such an accusation.
Don't worry too much. AK is only one man and Berlanti Productions is much larger than him. Although he's Greg's top creative guy for the DCTV shows, there are the other hundreds who work to produce and deliver the shows as scheduled every week. AK is just like a captain of a ship, and every captain has a chief mate who is as competent, and then the crew. They cannot just cancel everything because of AK. AK is not the be-all end-all of DCTV. There will be always someone better - all they have to do is look for the right person. People within WB/DC Entertainment like Geoff Johns probably already know a few.
as much as this disgusts me i hope that this does not affect the shows, like delaying them, making the less quality, bad plot points, or worst of all have them cancelled.
The writer of the original article has been online, and divulged that the complaints all came from low-level former hires, which means they had no job security to begin with. It's starting to look more and more like an opportunistic smear campaign designed to shake up things at WB-TV and Berlanti Productions, just as they're ramping up promotions for the big CW crossover event. Naturally, it's likely going to take awhile before any full details come to light on the matter.
So, because they weren't major actors/actresses or high up on the food chain, their accounts are automatically dismissed as part of a smear campaign? Victims being in some type of position of inferiority or dependence is exactly what sexual harassers count on. It's also exactly why the victim's stories go untold for years.
I don't know all the details with Kreisberg but, if there are multiple witnesses to any inappropriate behavior, that should be a huge red flag to the CW, WB, Berlanti and everyone else.
Totally agree, Sully...
Here's a more recent article from Bleeding Cool, one that actually details the allegations. (And as the author says "it's not pretty". ) Turns out that there are both former and current staffers making these statements:
In my opinion, the very best thing that Berlanti could do, as far as Supergirl is concerned is bring back Ali Adler, that I think would calm much of this down for Supergirl. She seemed far more hands on with the production and I think could bring some stability.I liked Adler. I have no evidence of it but, I feel as though she was the driving force behind having the show focus on the sister relationship during season 1. Wasn't it Adler who created the character of Alex? I'd say that was a fairly substantial creative contribution to the show. I can also remember seeing many behind the scene photos that Adler provided of Melissa and Chyler, which gave the fans an important connection to the actresses and the show's story. It also showed what appeared to be a mutual respect between her and the actors/actresses.
I think that you are right Kelly, in that Adler would add some stability, along with strong direction for the show. I'm not sure if she is in a position to come back because wasn't the reason why she stepped away because she didn't want to take her family to Vancouver? But, if it is possible, that would get my vote (not that they care what I think).
The EPs I don't believe are based in Vancouver, I believe they are based in LA, I always figured Ali's departure was more from creative differences than anything else. Also, she wouldn't be in the same position as she was, that is Rovner/Queller now, she could very easily do what needed to be done simply from visits now and then to Vancouver, not a formal move up there. The simple act of adding her name back to the show would be a huge boost IMO. I think the set will be just fine, people are getting all over some of the actors for not speaking up, the fact is, most of this was low level employees in LA where AK was based, not the set....I think the set is the place that every actor that has come on the show has described it as, fun, family, and supportive of each other. So, my thoughts on bringing Ali back are more from a fan calming aspect than a set calming aspect. The set has and will continue on, as it has...I actually think the showrunners heard the fans of "Supergirl" when so many talked about wanting the sisters back, they have certainly given us that in spades. So, I would like to give these showrunners a full season before judging their ideas.
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Sexual harrassment, any sort of harrassment really, would be very difficult to prove. It'd be basically, from a legal point of view, taking one person's words over another. And, when it comes to that, people would mostly side with the people in power. Probably not because of malice, but because it is the easier way.
That is also one of the many reasons why people don't come forward.
Another reason is that people don't automatically identify harrassment as such. Take sexist jokes for example. Many people feel uncomfortable about it. But, if you speak out, in my experience, you are the one who can't take a joke. The person who is weak. Or, the one who doesn't have a sense of humour.
It's bad enough to be harrassed. Why would you want to be a social pariah as well? Better to ignore and move on. Or grit your teeth and stay until you have got some experience and made some money, and then, move on.
Besides, may be it's your fault, you know. May be it is the way you dressed, the way you speak, the way you use your hand. Surely, if he/she was really like that, someone would have done something already?
And this kind of thinking extends to physical harrassment as well. It's very easy to blame yourself and very hard to realise that it is the assaulter's fault. Even harder to realise even once is once too many.
Especially when you are low level employee, but also applicable when you are new or when your power is just perceived and not actual (like most actors and actresses).
I am glad WB is actually investigating these complaints. May be there has been a shift in thinking in Hollywood after all. May be they have reached a tipping point.
As for what some shippers are doing. The people who do this are just like any other blind group with propaganda. They take data to fit their world view and to prove that they are right. Best to ignore.
And comic books and characters and shows have lived on for so long (even through a World War), it is highly unlikely they will be hurt because of this. The shows will just have some shake up, but they should stay on.
I'd like Adler back myself; at least for the doughnut pics. Do the cast even get doughnuts now that Adler is gone?
That is also one of the many reasons why people don't come forward.
Another reason is that people don't automatically identify harrassment as such. Take sexist jokes for example. Many people feel uncomfortable about it. But, if you speak out, in my experience, you are the one who can't take a joke. The person who is weak. Or, the one who doesn't have a sense of humour.
It's bad enough to be harrassed. Why would you want to be a social pariah as well? Better to ignore and move on. Or grit your teeth and stay until you have got some experience and made some money, and then, move on.
Besides, may be it's your fault, you know. May be it is the way you dressed, the way you speak, the way you use your hand. Surely, if he/she was really like that, someone would have done something already?
And this kind of thinking extends to physical harrassment as well. It's very easy to blame yourself and very hard to realise that it is the assaulter's fault. Even harder to realise even once is once too many.
Especially when you are low level employee, but also applicable when you are new or when your power is just perceived and not actual (like most actors and actresses).
I am glad WB is actually investigating these complaints. May be there has been a shift in thinking in Hollywood after all. May be they have reached a tipping point.
As for what some shippers are doing. The people who do this are just like any other blind group with propaganda. They take data to fit their world view and to prove that they are right. Best to ignore.
And comic books and characters and shows have lived on for so long (even through a World War), it is highly unlikely they will be hurt because of this. The shows will just have some shake up, but they should stay on.
I'd like Adler back myself; at least for the doughnut pics. Do the cast even get doughnuts now that Adler is gone?
This is very, very bad for the CW DC shows, especially Supergirl. It's almost as bad as Melissa leaving the show and WBTV contemplating replacing her with another actress.
A horrible public relations nightmare for all involved in all four shows. Plus,with AK gone,who knows what wiil happen to the overall quality of all four shows?
A horrible public relations nightmare for all involved in all four shows. Plus,with AK gone,who knows what wiil happen to the overall quality of all four shows?
What a terrible development for DC shows on the CW.. . My feeling about it is that "where there's smoke, there's usually fire". Variety says that 15 women and 4 men are basically telling the same stories about Kreisberg. I'd be be interested to find out they know each other. (Variety's article doesn't say.) When you have 19 people who don't even know each other all telling similar stories about the same guy.....
Yeah, I'm over the whole benefit of the doubt thing. When I was first made aware of the article, I breezed through it in shock, and wanted to curb my instincts to judge without a trial, but 19 accounts. Hmm.
After reading the Variety article thoroughly, his tone deaf responses are truly horrible. I feel terrible for all those who worked under such a degrading environment and if he is found guilty, I'm sure justice will be served.
It's really courageous for the victims to come forward. The Hollywood environment needs to be cleaned up, and hopefully, there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
Reading Ellen Page's FB account. It's heartbreaking.
There has always been such a huge imbalance in the percentage of M/F Producers, EP's and Especially Directors. I have wished for years that Women who wanted to direct were given the equal opportunity to direct. This has always annoyed me as having a creative vision isn't a gender talent. Surely Patty Jenkins has proved that without a doubt.
Not to sound overly feministic, but more women in executive and directorial positions would be an improvement. At least one would think, I'm not saying the reverse does not happen.
But with regards to the show. The EP don't necessarily have to be directly involved in the show. The show runners are the true vision for the show, but in this case, AK served as both. Seems to me that Rovner and Queller are doing a good job so far, so leave them be.
Either delay or cancel, both will be far too extreme, - that won't happen. At best or worst (depending on how one would feel about this issue) Kreisberg will leave Berlanti Productions and someone else will take over his job. Or with a different result, WB would conclude that he is innocent and he goes back to work. If the latter happens, he would have been not involved with Executive Producing for some time and the shows could have changed in ways would not have originally imagined. He could easily just think of ways to steer the shows where he wants them to go afterwards.
Everyone has his/her own dark secrets, I guess. Innocent until proven guilty for AK. As for the accusers - empathy will come when the allegations are proven to be true.
Everyone has his/her own dark secrets, I guess. Innocent until proven guilty for AK. As for the accusers - empathy will come when the allegations are proven to be true.
I hope that this incident will not affect the shows in a bad way. Like delay or at worst cancel at least for an extended time because that would be horrible and they haven`t even released if it would affect the shows yet. I honestly thought that Andrew was a good guy and he seemed nice on the screen, but I guess you never see past the mask.
Sexual Harassment is disgusting in all forms and should be dealt with zero tolerance. I am saddened to see people who work on something I enjoy have had to endure this behavior. Thankfully due to some very courageous voices it has come to light and is being dealt with. Regardless of how tempting it may be to pass around some blame; 100% of the blame goes to the creep doing this ****.
We need to all stand in solidarity with the victims so that they know they are heard, understood and supported. For those that would try and bring ships wars, character/story complaints into; I ask you to politely STOP! Please do not hijack the stories of the brave men and women who have come forward under difficult circumstances.
Wonderfully said! This is a despicable situation at hand and should not be reduced to petty ship wars and such. Doing so does a diservice to the brave voices speaking out against this man.
"Well, Supergirl may have saved me, but Kara Danvers, you are my hero."
What a terrible development for DC shows on the CW.. . My feeling about it is that "where there's smoke, there's usually fire". Variety says that 15 women and 4 men are basically telling the same stories about Kreisberg. I'd be be interested to find out they know each other. (Variety's article doesn't say.) When you have 19 people who don't even know each other all telling similar stories about the same guy.....
From what I've read, the nail in the coffin for AK is that these stories are meshing, they are not countering each other, they are actually putting the puzzle together. Also, apparently the 4 men involved are backing up the stories of the 15 women, as to what has been seen. I say, keep cleaning house, it is tough, it is messy, but it needs to be done. What is ridiculously stupid are those theorizing that the demise of #Sanvers and #Supercorp not coming to pass has anything to do with this....AND, there are those that are slamming Chris Wood because he didn't say or do anything about it. These people are delusional.
I also saw a bunch of Karamels laughing about how now they know how Katie became a regular because she slept her way to the top with Kreisberg. These people are sick and this issue is so much bigger than the show. It should be about the survivors and their bravery and strength.
Oh look, the topic returns to be about these two ships again. From what I’ve seen so far I would gladly see Karamel and Supercorp both gone for good. Who devotes their time to obsessing over a particular pairing in a show? And then going to such lengths and making all this fuss and conflict over it?
I do not know how they work within Berlanti, but I believe that he's involved in all four shows and is most involved on the Flash and Supergirl. I think Marc Guggenheim looks after Arrow and Legends, along with other EP's. There are two co-showrunners for Supergirl - Jessica Queller and Robert Rovni who work with AK. He also works with co-showrunner for the Flash. However I think AK could be the guide and/or coordinator for all four shows as they all progress each season, making sure they all follow a certain road map.
I'm sure Greg Berlanti has many competent people under him who could temporarily take over AK's position while the internal investigation goes on. I hope if ever they lose AK, the replacement can steer the ship that is the Arrowverse to a better course. I would think that they've already mapped out at least about 2/3rd of the season before this wave of unfortunate news hit.
I'm sure Greg Berlanti has many competent people under him who could temporarily take over AK's position while the internal investigation goes on. I hope if ever they lose AK, the replacement can steer the ship that is the Arrowverse to a better course. I would think that they've already mapped out at least about 2/3rd of the season before this wave of unfortunate news hit.
Plus,with AK gone,who knows what wiil happen to the overall quality of all four shows?
Unfortunately, we have to trust that Berlanti and his production team can fill the void. Yes, Kreisberg has had a large hand in the show, but he's one of SEVERAL Executive Producers.
Supergirl, The Flash, and Berlanti Productions are far more than Andrew Kreisberg. If these allegations turn out to be true, then yes, it totally sucks, and his he should pay for those actions, accordingly, whether it be fines, termination, jail time...whatever punishment fits his actions. But I will stick by these shows because lots of other amazing and good people work on them, and deserve our support.
Every film and tv show has hundreds of people who bring them to life, and to let one person sour our support for the rest of them just ends up punishing innocent people.
As for quality...I have to believe that 2/3 of the season has been fairly well mapped, and the whole season's arc probably outlined. In terms of writing, there are many other amazing people involved who can take the plan that Berlanti and co. have mapped out and bring it to fruition.
Supergirl, The Flash, and Berlanti Productions are far more than Andrew Kreisberg. If these allegations turn out to be true, then yes, it totally sucks, and his he should pay for those actions, accordingly, whether it be fines, termination, jail time...whatever punishment fits his actions. But I will stick by these shows because lots of other amazing and good people work on them, and deserve our support.
Every film and tv show has hundreds of people who bring them to life, and to let one person sour our support for the rest of them just ends up punishing innocent people.
As for quality...I have to believe that 2/3 of the season has been fairly well mapped, and the whole season's arc probably outlined. In terms of writing, there are many other amazing people involved who can take the plan that Berlanti and co. have mapped out and bring it to fruition.
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