1. RobertAnthony
  2. Motivator Love Fool Sherlock Holmes
  3. Supergirl General Discussion
  4. Tuesday, 17 September 2019
The website TitleCritical Blast takes a look at the past season of Supergirl and no surprise it goes after how over the top it went with its messaging.

The other thing that makes SUPERGIRL stand apart is that the entire narrative of the show is agenda-driven. It's never good-vs-evil, but a social message morality play with real-world analogs, thinly veiled in comic book trappings. For the bulk of the season, Team Supergirl battles against a right-wing terrorist organization led by Ben Lockwood (SAM WITWER aka Doomsday from SMALLVILLE), a clone of talk host Sean Hannity.

Lockwood's alter ego of Agent Liberty, a twisted parody of Dan Jurgen's comic-book creation, rallies the people to take a stand against the immigration of extraterrestrials, the term "illegal aliens" being a bit too on-the-nose to be used here. When they prove that Lockwood and Liberty are the same person, resulting in his arrest, he is released, and given a government cabinet level position by President Baker (BRUCE BOXLEITNER), an anti-immigration Donald Trump stand-in.

I agree Agent Liberty was a twisted parody...bordering on a leader of something like ANTIFA (an anarchist left-wing group that should be declared domestic terrorists). I take umbrage with the description of the president played by Boxleitner as being Trump-like. Trump and his supporters, myself included (don't tell go in the corner), are for LEGAL immigration. My grandfather on my mom's side came here from Italy decades ago and did things the right way. If you ask me, Baker is what would've happened if Hillary Clinton had won even with all the messaging from season 2 and 3 with a poorly used Lynda Carter. The political left want to make immigrants their slaves in use for political power.

Also, the media has gone from being the 4th Estate to a 5th column with agenda driven so-called journalists beating the drums for globalism.

Here is the second meat in my mind of the article...

The social message posturing was put on the back burner, almost, for a while by the arrival of Lex Luthor (JON CRYER), who steals the series away with his magnificent portrayal of the megalomaniacal and Macchiavellian villain. Lex has engineered the ultimate opponent for Supergirl -- Red Daughter, a clone raised in a communist country and trained to hate everything about American excess. After impersonating the Girl of Steel and turning the country against her (again), Red Daughter ultimately sees Lex for what he is, and comes to the real Supergirl's defense. But before Lex can face defeat, he reveals to his sister the one truth she has been blinded to all this time: her best friend, Kara Danvers, has not trusted her enough to tell her that she is Supergirl. And since hurt feelings create villains in this series, we can expect Lena to become more prominent an antagonist in the next season.

If that happens, as I have said many a time on the subject, it would be the SAME OLD STORY of Super vs. Luthor, only it's covered in feminist ideology. I do agree Cryer had Gene Hackman's wit mixed with his crazed spin on Luthor...even using music as he does damage...I mean how can you go wrong with "My Way" by Mister Francis Albert Sinatra?

Writer RJ Carter even takes things on a personal level.

I've been in more than a few discussions about SUPERGIRL in my local comics shops, most of them involving how they have dropped the series due to its ham-fisted sermonizing. It's far from a scientific sample, to be sure, but it's definitely within what should be the core audience -- superhero fans -- and if the previews of Season 5 are any indication, there's no reason for these disappointed fans to come back for anything other than the crossover event.

Will we all be around for the crossover? Hey, give me a golden ticket! As for the show itself, if 5 continues more like 4 I have a poem to sum up its future...

If you get "woke"
You will go broke
And let me say
That's no joke.

By the way, the reviewer gave the show a 3.5/5...mostly due to Jon Cryer's Lex Luthor...and to be honest, I hope he returns.
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
My problem with season 4 was simply not enough Supergirl .... not its take on the realities of what is happening to this country at the hands of a misogynistic, egocentric, liar....the series didnt come anywhere near portraying their President even close to what we have in office right now. I say bravo to the writers ability to write a season that takes on just a few of the atrocities happening in this country today. I would have liked to have seen more action in the 1st half of the season from Supergirl. If u want to see an episode over the top in its excessive agenda then I point you to the good bye episode from one of the writers, in season 3 who is an anti gun person that did not further the story nor did it have anything to do with any story line at the time. Season 4 did not have that problem.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Problem with the fourth season was both not enough of Supergirl and Red Daughter. Those took a backseat to the political messaging with Agent Liberty and the Elite. This was also due to not having comic writers on the show like Arrow, Flash, and Legends have. It's likely why they hired comic writer Jay Faerber.
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 2
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Just thought I’d provide a couple of counter points.:)

I’ll also refer to a previous thread here with articles from critics praising season four.
Hope, Help and Compassion for all
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 3
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Without going too deeply into my politics, I am a pox-on-both-your-houses kind of guy. I don't see one side as fundamentally better than the other, just kind of horrible in different ways. And when both sides agree on something, I get really worried. ;)

From my perspective, S4 was total left-wing wish fulfillment--down to removal of a so called puppet president by using the 25th amendment. I have come to expect that from entertainment industry. If that's your thing, great. (I mean that, BTW; I get that people like seeing their viewpoints championed by a favorite show.) It didn't do much for me.

But it wasn't as much the messages, as much as how ill-thought out the season was as far as incorporating them. Apart from the issues in the review RobertAnthony shared, the narrative problems went deeper. Like how far Kara seemed to be removed from the central conflict, which is absolutely insane to me, as it would seem the most natural fit in the world. I was shocked at how inconsequential and ineffectual the title character was for far too much of the season.

With that said, I got my S4 BluRay in the mail today, and I'm looking forward to revisiting the highlights. When it hit the marks--mostly towards the end--wow! It was really fantastic.

They must do much, much better out of the gate for Season 5. For example, I don't plan on sticking it out loo long if it looks like another endless slog of side-character arcs. I know they are capable of some compelling stuff--they'd better deliver!

So--new season, new start, clean slate. Bring it on! :)
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Supergirl General Discussion
  3. # 4
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